Finland’s auction emperor: a lesson for the customer – was wrong

Aki Palsanmäki thought he knew the value of broken Arabia jugs.

In the latest episode of the Finnish auction emperor, among other things Ilkka wanted to mint money with old Arabian jugs. There is enough demand for them, that is, the wish was not completely out of the blue.

A man working as a limousine driver took his treasure in yesterday’s episode Heli and Aki Palsanmäki for auction in Hirvaskanka. However, it soon became clear that Ilka’s packaging and storage style left much to be desired.

– I hope the products are intact, Aki hoped before noticing the first crack, of which there were eventually more.

– It would have been a good jug, namely a hundred jug at the selling price, Aki told Ilka, who thought Aki was just joking, but the man was serious.

Ilka had more than just old jugs from Arabia on her way. Four

According to Aki’s invoices, the jugs would have been worth 300 euros if only they had been intact.

– Too bad. Arabia’s milk jugs have been in demand with us and at a good price. It’s a pity that every pitcher has nirham. The price will change, Aki stated as a matter of fact.

He believed that Ilka would learn about business. In Aki’s opinion, the lesson was that Ilkka would learn to handle valuables more gently in the future.

– If the products had been intact, Ilkka would have received a couple of hundred euros more. Maybe on the way home he will think that next time he should handle the boxes a little more carefully, Aki urged.

In the end, Aki agreed to pay Ilka 205 euros, even though he thought he would only get 350 euros with them. Aki’s principle is to make a hundred percent profit.

Despite different expectations, the profit came quite well, because the final result of the auction was a pleasant surprise for Aki. With Ilka’s goods, no less than 570 euros went into the cash register, including broken jugs.

– The profit was 365 euros. The winning share is good, even though most of it was broken Arabia, Aki wondered in the series.

Finland’s auction emperor on Mondays on Nelose and Ruudu. The latest episode is renewed, for example, on Thursday at 19:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
