Finland is all over the world with Russia, grandchildren who live in Lapland open | Buitenland

Omdat de voorbije dagen a toenemend aantal asielzoekers via Rusland Finland innenkwam, bestlist Helsinki and last week al om aantal grensovergesten te sluiten. In this case, all migrants from the Middle East and Africa are encountered in large numbers. The government in Helsinki thinks that Russia Finland will destabilize NAVO this year. The Kremlin is responsible for the migrant population and is accused of regulating in Helsinki an anti-Russian houding.

On Friday night, the border posts of Imatra, Niirala, Nuijamaa and Vaalimaa, in the building of the Russian city of Sint-Petersburg, will be slotted for three maands. Asielaanvragen zullen enkel now aanvaard was in de grensstations van Salla en Vartius, honderden kilometers northelijker, zo kondigde Helsinki toen aan.

Now you can see the border crossing at Raja-Jooseppi, in the north of Finland, open. The Finse Prime Minister Petteri Orpo shows the situation in the green area in the gates, which are in India and the sea rules are not to be followed. Finland and Russia have a distance of 1,300 kilometers.
