finish concert Glennis Grace?

After all the fuss about Glennis Grace’s concert going ahead, The Harbor Club seems to be backing down a bit. The Amsterdam restaurant talks about ‘possible consequences’.

© RTL 4

After the fight in the Jumbo you would expect Glennis Grace to keep a low profile for a while, but yesterday the media headlined surprised that the singer just let her performances continue. The first is on March 26, in The Harbor Club in Amsterdam. Tickets? 200 euros† But do her clients actually want to continue?

200 euros for Glennis

The Harbor Club initially indicated that Glennis is still in the concert agenda. There was a lot of criticism online about this. For example, the juice channel Juice Channel was surprised that people would still want to watch this Whitney Houston imitation for that money.

“Well, The Harbor Club knows it too! How can they charge such prices for a performance by this supermarket tokkie?”, the channel said.

No one available

The AD has called The Harbor Club, but they can no longer be reached either. It is striking that everyone who has anything to do with Glennis Grace and Lil Kleine has the same provider as Nathan Moszkowicz: failure upon failure, completely unreachable. Or are they mainly busy meeting about all the financial consequences?

The Harbor Club has now finally issued a statement. In this, the restaurant seems to be backing down a bit: “The Harbor Club is closely following the case regarding Glennis Grace. Any consequences for the collaboration will be implemented on the basis of further information.”


All in all, it’s still a bit of a wait. Does The Harbor Club give the first push to a completely empty concert agenda for Glennis or will they keep her in the saddle?
