Fineco AM brings financial education to Italian schools

Not’s never too early to learn concepts and notions that will be useful throughout your life. And so, between a declension of Latin and a Pythagorean theorem, high school students today have the opportunity to learn topics that are not strictly scholastic, but which they will come in handy – in practice – throughout their existence.

COUNT ON YOU – Financial education at school it’s a totally free educational path dedicated to students from schools in Milan, Rome and Naples who choose to join it. In all, so far, it involved around 700 young people of the two-year period of secondary schools, i.e. high schools and technical institutes.

The objective of this initiative, supported by Fineco Asset Management in collaboration with FEduFFoundation for Financial Education and Savings e Goodpointis commendable and far-sighted: it aims to introduce students to financial issuesso that they develop saving habits healthy, practical and efficient.

The CEO of Fineco AM: «Saving is not enough»

«Studies on children’s habits tell us that the youngest are aware of the importance of savingbut they don’t know the possibilities of valorising what has been accumulated”, he declared Fabio Melisso, CEO of Fineco AM. Financial education is therefore «capable of making a differenceenabling them to exploit the opportunities and tools at their disposal.”

In turn they will be able to spread a virtuous message: «save it is a duty to realize one’s future but is not sufficient. Invest consciously it is the top-up of savings that allows you to keep goals alive for which something was given up today in order to have the possibility of realizing them tomorrow.”

For Fineco AM«this project represents a concrete contribution to give something back to the community in which we operate, in the hope of involving other operators in our industry and thus starting a virtuous circle for the country”.

Fabio Melisseo, CEO of Fineco Asset Management (Courtesy of Fineco AM)

One in 5 students without elementary skills

And this project is even more useful – not to say necessary – in light of the data collected by Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) ofOECD Italy. Compared to an average of 62%, in fact, only 30% from the Italian population owns basic financial literacy.

Furthermore, less than 50% of students is able to carry out minimally complex financial tasks. Finally, the study shows that almost one female student in five lacks basic skills to make responsible and informed financial decisions.

Learning financial education in school? Yes, thanks to Fineco (courtesy of Fineco)

The themes of the Fineco AM initiative

The project includes lessons in mixed mode, i.e. digital and in person, held by tutors from Taxi1729 and of Philosophical Workshop. The itinerary, which runs from October to December, unfolds around three main themes:

1) Savings and pensions. Kids will learn the basic principles for a responsible use of money in addition to the skills for manage savings and convey the value of retirement planning as well-being lever.

2) We invest in the Future. It’s about un occasion of raising awareness of the link between economy and sustainable developmentwhich illustrates approaches and economic models that move in this direction.

There is a link between financial education and sustainability. (Unsplash)

3) Rationality and economic choices. This lesson will start from basic principles of behavioral economics, explaining how the decisions we make in managing money can beinfluenced by cognitive dynamics not always rational.

Furthermore, to get even closer to the language of children, it is foreseen development of a tool that promotes educational learning through gamification and the cognitive sciences.

The final challenge and the prize

The educational proposal of the initiative, in line with the themes ofcivicstakes place in three different phases which will be divided between October and December. At the end of the journey, pFor each institute one will be organised online challenge on the topics of the various lessons.

Keep money in the jar? Maybe it’s better to invest them! (Unsplash)

The three best classified will then participate in the final challenge to win the first prize. And it’s a gift that kids will remember for a lifetime: an educational trip of which Fineco AM will bear the costs for thewhole class of which the winning student belongs. What are you waiting for… get involved?

