fine of 5 thousand euros from the FIA

The German Aston Martin was sanctioned for returning to the pit lane by moped at the end of Free Practice 1 after a breakdown in his Aston Martin: he had to use the special route, not the race circuit!

Massimo Brizzi

08 April 2022 – 23:47

– Milan

As a serious violation of the rules of the road: fine of 5 thousand euros for driving irregularly on a scooter. Nothing sensational were it not that the infringement took place on the track, in Melbourne, on the Albert Park city track, home to the F1 Australian GP, ​​and that the offender is the four-time world champion Sebastian Vettel, punished for driving the two-wheeled vehicle on the circuit at the end of the first free practice session.

on two wheels on the track

About 15 ‘from the end of FP1, a breakdown on his Aston Martin left the German on foot, who pulled up to the side of the track at turn 10 and helped the marshals in the operations, first holding a fire extinguisher to extinguish his smoking power unit, then helping to move the car to a safe position. At the end of the shift Vettel then asked a commissioner to be able to use his scooter to return to the pit lane, but he left without him. The fact of having traveled the track and not the special road beyond the guard rail thus exposed Seb to a 5 thousand euro fine.

the sanction

As stated in the note from the FIA: “Vettel got on the scooter waiting for the commissioner to take a seat behind him, but when this did not happen Vettel left alone for the pits without prior authorization. Instead, driving on the track that by taking advantage of the designated route, Vettel has violated article 26.7 of the F1 sporting regulations which prohibits anyone from being on the track in the 5 minutes following the conclusion of a session with the exception of the personnel identified and which does not allow the drivers to have access unless specifically authorized. “It did not seem like a stunt, on the contrary: it was almost a curtain, with the German, indeed with the helmet improperly worn, who greeted the audience for a long time, appeared amused and applauding for the diversion The rules are there and must be respected, God forbid, but sometimes a little common sense would not hurt. Just so as not to take yourself too seriously.
