Fine for dead person: 160 fines in two years in the name of the deceased aunt

A motorist from Reggio Calabria has accumulated over 160 fines in two years, making them payable to his deceased aunt to avoid paying them

Lorenzo Pastuglia


November 29th

Over 160 reports accumulated in two years for various infringements of the Highway Code. The record figure was reached by a motorist from Reggio Calabria who thought he could get away with paying the fines to his deceased aunt. However, the local police managed to trace her identity. The man was summoned to the headquarters where, after the usual procedures, the registration certificate of the vehicle he was using was withdrawn.

13 thousand euros in fines

Always under the command of the local police, the transgressor was informed of the entire penalty load: the total debt with the institution amounts to the monstrous figure of 13,000 euros. However, this is not the only case in the province, reports Ansa, given that other offenders with numerous pending charges are being examined by the municipal commander Salvatore Zucco.

“original” precedents

This is an original, albeit inefficient way to try to escape a penalty. There are several similar episodes that have occurred in Italy. In the summer of 2022 the police had identified a 36-year-old Neapolitan who had altered her license plate, changing the letter F to E, to escape the penalties and not pay the toll for 76 journeys on the motorway. A motorist from Forlì, on the other hand, had created a hand-made fine to be able to park in a prohibited parking space. However, a trick discovered by the municipal police officers, because the writings were done in pencil and not in pen.
