Financial help for Berliners in the event of imminent power cuts

From BZ/dpa

Electricity and gas costs have risen significantly. That worries many Berliners. Those who cannot pay their bills have the option of receiving money from a hardship fund.

In the event of impending power or gas cuts, financial help is available in Berlin this year from a hardship fund created especially for this purpose. Berliners who are unable to pay their electricity or gas bills through no fault of their own against the background of significantly increased energy costs have the opportunity to apply for them from Monday (9 January). This was announced by Senator for Social Affairs Katja Kipping (left) on Tuesday. Applications are only possible online via the Berlin service portal. This should speed up processing so that power or gas blockages can be quickly removed or avoided in good time.

The concern behind it is to create social security, avoid debt spirals, prevent energy cuts and take away the fear that people have to sit in the dark or cold, said Kipping. The circle of those entitled to apply was deliberately broadened by the Senate. It’s not just about the poorest, but also about middle-income households – around 85 percent of Berlin’s population.

Help from hardship funds: That’s how high the income limit is

“That means the limit is an income that is over 2.8 times the classic housing entitlement certificate,” explained Kipping. “For a single household, that means an annual income of 33,600 euros, for a single parent with a child 46,480.”

Among other things, applicants must submit proof of income for the past three months and provide information on the annual gross household income. “We deliberately refrained from carrying out an asset test,” said Kipping. “Asset testing is really, really complex. And that would only have been possible if we had said that everything goes to the social welfare offices.”

Doesn’t that invite abuse?

Doesn’t that invite abuse? In the case of massive fraud, false information would definitely have criminal relevance, according to the Senator for Social Affairs. “And the transfer is made directly to the energy provider.” No one would benefit from using a lot of energy to fake a lockdown threat. The sum that is required to lift or prevent the respective block is paid in each case.

In addition, households in Berlin can only apply for help from the energy debt hardship fund once. The prerequisite is a blocking notice from the energy provider from the year 2023. The State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso) will process the applications. This would relieve job centers and social welfare offices, said Kipping. A separate unit with 15 positions has been set up in Lageso.

11,000 electricity and gas locks in Berlin

How many applications are to be expected cannot be answered. “That’s the key question,” Kipping admitted. “There is no one in the entire federal government who can tell me for sure how reliable the caps are.” In 2021 there were around 11,000 cases of power cuts and 1,700 for gas across Berlin – whether the magnitude is still realistic after the significant increase in energy costs, is open.

The Senate has planned 20 million euros for the energy debt hardship fund as part of the Berlin relief package in “an internal allocation”. The different positions of the relief package are mutually coverable. That means: If more is needed for one and less for the other, that can be arranged.

“Of course we know that there are people who are not so digitally savvy,” Kipping admitted. There was digital training for social counselors before Christmas so that they could help if needed. The digital application form should be activated on Monday.

That Online portal should be available from 9.1. stand by here.
