Financial gap in renovation theater Oranjerie closed | 1Limburg

The renovation of theater De Oranjerie in Roermond can continue. The province, municipality of Roermond and De Oranjerie have reached an agreement on closing a financial gap of 1.1 million euros.

The province will contribute an additional 585,000 euros to the renovation. The municipality of Roermond and theater owner Van der Valk each put another 257,000 euros on the table.

To agree
Deputy Lia Roefs (PvdA) announced the deal in a statement to the Limburg Parliament and in the answer to written questions from VVD member of parliament Karin Straus. The city council of Roermond still has to agree to the extra contribution from the municipality next Thursday. Then – on Tuesday 22 February – the provincial government will give it an official blow.

With the deal, Deputy Roefs is implementing a motion of the Limburg Parliament that was passed in December last year. It was submitted by D66. In it, the provincial government was instructed to find a solution for the deficit of 1.1 million euros. This had to be done in consultation and co-financing with the municipality of Roermond and theater owner Van der Valk.

Also read: Deputy: Limburg culture money must be better distributed

Work is expected to start in June. That is a few months later than previously planned. It offers De Oranjerie the opportunity to catch up on performances that were previously unable to take place due to the lockdown and thus generate income, the deputy reports.

9 million euros
The costs of the total renovation amount to more than 9 million euros. Earlier, the province allocated more than 2 million euros for this and the municipality of Roermond 2.5 million.

The renovated Orangery is scheduled to open in September 2023.

Also read: VVD: Come to agreements about Oranjerie


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