Financial education, quizzes to take under the umbrella

gheeding holidays to the full also means taking time for yourself and dedicating yourself to what is often overshadowed by lack of time or motivation. Between challenging readings and free-form crossword puzzles, there could also be space… the management of its financial flowsi.e. financial education. A a theme often left to chance and of which one does not have sufficient mastery, for fear of the responsibility of taking charge of it, for the lack of knowledge of financial instruments. Or because we continue, out of inertia, to manage money on the basis of handed down beliefs that no longer work.

Three financial education quizzes to do under the umbrella

Here then 3 easy exercises that you can do under an umbrella to start thinking about your finances. He set them up Moneysurfersthe first academy in Italy of conscious financial education.

The premise is that most people tend to divide happiness from money, in the belief that these two concepts are incompatible. Instead, it is important to adopt a knowledgeable approach to finance and cultivate both in parallel, thus combining material wealth with the search for one’s inner well-being.

As Davide Francesco Sada and Enrico Garzotto, co-Founder of Moneysurfers explain, «We often have a series of erroneous perceptions about the future and the present of our finances: we tend to overestimate the short-term benefits and underestimate the long-term risks». And a sudden expense can be enough to make us stressed and frustrated. A condition that can be kept under control by learning the rules of the game.

Sharon Stone, the bank crash also affects her: «I lost half of my money»

As? These exercises are a starting point.

Exercise 1: Rewrite the movie of your life

The first exercise has as its objective the acquisition of major awareness of oneself and one’s aspirations, thinking about the actions that could be implemented to change one’s situation in different areas, such as: financial freedom, health, feelings, play and beauty.

The game is especially thought out for those who are dissatisfied with one or more aspects of their daily lifecan be done together with friends and family and expects each participant to have 5 minutes of time For rewrite the “movie of one’s life”. Telling how hypothetically he managed to reach the goals he had set for himself from a personal and working point of view.

This exercise is very useful to try to realize your ambitions, reflect on the activities necessary to achieve one’s aspirations and understand whether one is on the right path or not, also thanks to the comparison with the other participants. At the end, it is then possible to comment on the stories of others and decide the winner. Fun not guaranteed but possible.

Exercise 2: play with banknotes

The second exercise requires 10 minutes of time and a 5 euro banknote. The first step is to carefully observe every detail of the banknote: you can smell it, rub it, roll it up, crumple it and make it vibrate.

The second step, on the other hand, involves using it in unusual ways. Usually the bills are inserted into the wallet, taken out and placed on a counter or in someone’s hand. Why not try to use it, for example, as a brush to create an imaginary painting?

In the third part of the exercise it is necessary reflect on the path and history of the banknote since its creation, on the digital currency, on the amount of transactions that are carried out every day all over the world and on the number of people who, thanks to money, manage to get in touch and communicate.

The last step requires you to repeat the previous steps of the exercise with a 50 euros. What are the sensations you experienced?

This game is functional to become aware of one’s emotions towards money that influence decision-making processes and to acquire awareness of the role that money has in society, i.e. a means of exchange, devoid of attributes or qualities. In fact, they are the people who attribute positive and negative values ​​to money because they have been culturally taught this way. In short, it is a question of financial education.

Exercise 3: Myths and false beliefs about money

The third exercise is aimed at unhinging i myths and false beliefs about money, result of conditioning cultural beliefs. You need a pen and paper on which you can jot down thoughts, motivations, and facts that disprove the beliefs below. Then trying to turn the statements into questions.

“The more money you have, the more problems you will have”, “It takes a lot of money to make money”, “Money is there to be spent”, “I have no control over the ability to get rich”, “I can’t make money and do that too which I love” and “Wanting more money is selfish”.

This exercise is very useful for changing one’s mindset and reflecting on how to solve potential problems and become aware of the financial prejudices and beliefs that dwell in our psyche unconsciously.

Financial education, how much do you know?

TO this link you can test your knowledge for free and discover your own level of financial literacythrough a quiz of 33 questions on various topics, such as mortgages, investments, insurance, useful for understanding how to improve one’s financial performance.

