Financial compensation scheme for gymnasts adjusted – Dagblad van het Noorden

The compensation scheme for former gymnasts who have become victims of transgressive behavior in their career has been adjusted on a number of points. This responds to the call from former athletes to make the scheme simpler and more accessible. According to them, the requirements to be eligible for a financial compensation of 5000 euros were too high.

The parties involved (gymnastics union KNGU, NOC*NSF and the Central Bureau for Complaints Management in Healthcare (CBKZ) as the implementer of the scheme) have taken this criticism to heart and have implemented a number of changes. Among other things, the application form has been considerably shortened. The criterion that a former gym athlete must have trained thirty hours a week for at least two years has also been dropped. It is also possible for the former athletes to authorize someone who submits the application or goes through the entire process together with or on behalf of the former athlete.

If the application is being processed, the former gymnasts must appear before a committee to tell their story. Although an oral explanation remains the starting point, the Committee has been given more room to deviate from this in individual cases. The athlete can also choose to be represented by an authorized representative.


“The independent committee wants to get a good picture of the impact of cross-border behavior on the life of the applicant. This means that former gym athletes do not necessarily have to demonstrate that cross-border behavior has taken place. The committee does not find the truth about what happened. has happened, but a picture is formed of its impact on the life of the former athlete so that this is sufficiently plausible,” the KNGU reports in a press release.

Since 1 March, former gymnasts have been able to submit their application for the compensation scheme. Applications can be made online until September 30.
