Finance – PNT | News

If you want to expand on this topic or briefly learn about some tools that I use to guide people by teaching them about it, I recommend the “Finance” list that you can see on my YouTube channel Cynthia del Sol. Here I explain theoretically what it is called, what it is about and what each of them is for; according to what you are wanting to learn, start or improve about how to generate cash flow in the short, medium or long term.

Whether you find yourself going through the survival of Latin America or enjoying the benefits of a first world country; Absolutely the entire planet is in crisis. Instability is present in every aspect of our existence: social, political, health, educational and so many more that the list would become endless. This time I will focus on the economic area.

Our ancestors, both those from generations so distant that we did not know and even those as close as our fathers and mothers, have grown up with two totally opposite beliefs:

  1. Those who consider that the sweat of the brow and the blood on the hands is what makes us worthy of material abundance accompanied by the dignity provided by having a job.
  2. Those who do not know how to support themselves, because they have not had the opportunity to learn or because they do not wish to do so by taking advantage of the constant assistance with which they began their lives and have become accustomed to that method of survival.

The first position generates individual anxiety, causing an increase in savage competition to demonstrate unhealthy work hyperproductivity, in order to achieve a desired social position. And the second, perpetuates a human precariousness that prevents the evolution of those who sustain it. In both cases it is clear that a mediator is needed to regularize and balance the situation by creating a middle point. Now, the mediator, should it be the state, the free market or who?

In this month of October, I invite you to reflect: Do you have different types of monetary income or do you only have a salary in a dependency relationship and do you want to start diversifying to obtain peace of mind in the future? You can tell me or consult me ​​if you want to learn new ways, contacting me on any of my social networks that appear below.

Contact information

Social networks:

– Instagram: @asesoriacynthiadelsol

– Twitter: @a_cynthiadelsol

– Facebook: @asesoriacynthiadelsol

– YouTube: @asesoriacynthiadelsol

– TikTok: @cynthiadelsol

– Spotify: Cynthia del Sol (artist profile)

– iVoox: Cynthia del Sol

Telephone (WhatsApp): +54 9 297 4224251

E-mail: [email protected]



In this note
