finally gets his star on the Walk of Fame

Carrie Fisher gets a star on the Walk of Fame more than six years after her death.

Actor Carrie Fisher gets a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Fisher, who died in 2016 at the age of 60, is especially remembered for the Star Wars films.

Walk of Fame tells in the press release, that Fisher’s star will be unveiled on Thursday, May 4. The date in question is also known as Star Wars Day.

Fisher’s daughter receives the star Billie Lourd.

Carrie Fisher, who died in 2016, will receive a star on the legendary Hollywood Walk of Fame. PDO

Fisher’s star is number 2,754 on the Walk of Fame. A stretch of street in Hollywood has been given star plaques named after successful entertainers.

Fisher’s star was originally reported as early as 2021. However, the star will only be revealed now.

Carrie Fisher is remembered for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars films. Co-stars Harrison Ford (left) and Mark Hamill already have their stars on the Walk of Fame. PDO

Fisher was one of the main actors in the original Star Wars trilogy Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford’s alongside. Hamill was awarded a star in 2018, Ford already in 2003. Fisher’s star is located right next to Hamill’s star. Nearby is also Fisher’s mother, an actress by Debbie Reynolds pace.

Hamill commented on Fisher’s honor on Twitter.

– Waited too long, so deserved, the actor writes.

If the embed doesn’t work, you can see the Twitter post as well from here.

Mark Hamill thinks Fisher’s star has been waited for too long. PDO

There are no posthumous stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. About 30 entertainers get their own star every year, at most one of them is already dead. At least two years must have passed since the person’s death before a posthumous star can be awarded.

Fans left memorials to Fisher’s make-believe star following the actress’ death. PDO

Fisher played Princess Leia in the Star Wars films. In addition to the original trilogy that appeared between 1977 and 1983, Fisher reprises his role in three films that appeared between 2015 and 2019. The last two films came out after Fisher’s death, the roles were pre-shot.

In addition, Fisher was seen in his career, among other things, in films When Harry Met Sally (1989), The Blues Brothers (1980) and Hannah and sisters (1986).

Carrie Fisher gave a legendary performance as Princess Leia in the Star Wars films. PDO
