Finally a quiet arrival of Sinterklaas in Eindhoven

After years of protests for and against Zwarte Piet, Sinterklaas was cheerfully received in Eindhoven on Saturday afternoon. Children were watching with anticipation. Their fathers and mothers were happy with a hassle-free entry. “We’ve really been looking forward to this. So nice that it’s possible again!”

The atmosphere on the 18 Septemberplein in Eindhoven was very good. The Saint had brought the sun from Spain. “Nice to celebrate the arrival with such a sun”, says a gentleman.

The helpers of Sinterklaas come in all kinds of colors this year. Petes with sweeps and glitter Piets hopped around Sinterklaas and of course gave the children the corresponding goodies.

tense faces
For the children it was exciting whether Sinterklaas would make the entry. Last Thursday’s episode of the Sinterklaas news caused a lot of unrest. The viewers saw that the steamer with which the saint was supposed to arrive has sunk. But luckily the Saint finally arrives safely at the 18 Septemberplein. “I hope I get presents!” shouts a girl in a brightly colored pete suit. “I find it very cozy here.”

A little further on, a father is dancing with his son. “It’s just as exciting for me as it is for the kids,” he laughs. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the new mayor of Eindhoven, also found the arrival of the Goedheiligman exciting. “Very exciting, it is the first time that I can receive Sinterklaas.”

No demonstrations
No demonstrations were held on the square and it also remained quiet in the city. This contrasted with the earlier arrivals in Eindhoven. In 2018, several protester groups were present. The entry got out of hand when supporters of Zwarte Piet wanted to fight with opponents. Justice then demanded a prison sentence and community service of up to 140 hours against eight rioters.

Protesters also threw a spanner in the works in 2019. Hooligans also came to the demonstration that the organization Kick Out Zwarte Piet had announced.
