FIM-Vastgoed wants to build a large distribution center in Emmen, good for 300 jobs

FIM-Vastgoed wants to realize a distribution center of 10 hectares on business park A37 in Emmen. The company will provide employment for approximately 300 people.

Alderman Guido Rink of economic affairs is pleased with the arrival of the distribution center. “Over the past period, we have noticed that large national and international parties are able to find us in their search for a suitable business location. The fact that FIM also sees us as a suitable location for a distribution center is a reward for the work.” He is also very pleased with the new jobs for Emmen. “There will be jobs for both higher and practically educated people. A great development for the broad prosperity of our region.”

Outside search area

Emmen was actually outside the search area of ​​FIM-Vastgoed, owner Roel Roelofs admits. “Until now, we focused on the southern corridor of the Netherlands for our developments.” He calls an acquaintance with the municipality of Emmen surprising from the first moment. “We are convinced. Our tenants are also very enthusiastic about Emmen’s location, as a base for deliveries throughout Europe.”

The sale of the lot will be completed shortly. Construction is expected to start this year. A number of solar panels will be installed on the roof.
