film review, plot and Edwige Fenech

Pupi Avati relies on his memory to tell the vicissitudes of Marzio in the new movie The fourteenth Sunday of ordinary time (at the cinema from Thursday 4 May). The day in the title is not just any day: it was June 24, 1964, the date on which Avati married his wife, “the most beautiful woman in the world”.

Also Marzio marries Sandra in the filmbut things don’t go like in the life of Go ahead: the two divorce because he is too jealous and she, who wanted to be a model, starts dating SamuelMarzio’s best friend, with whom he had founded the musical duo I legend. Thirty years later Marzio and Sandra understand that they still love each other.

The fourteenth Sunday of ordinary time: the plot

Bologna, 70’s. Martius (Lodo Guenzi) and Samuele (Nick Russo) have been best friends since they were children and have a dream: to make music. They write a song together that could aspire to Sanremo and make the leap, unfortunately the answer is negative. Samuel he then decides to devote himself to a banking career, while Marzio will never abandon that dream. Between the two slips Sandra (Camilla Ciraulo), the woman in Marzio’s life whom he courts endlessly until their wedding day. But things don’t go as they should: he is too jealous because he is afraid of losing her. She can’t resist this possessive attitude.

Edwige Fenech is moved by

Avanti introduces us to the characters thirty years later: Samuel (Massimo Lopez) committed suicide and at the funeral Sandra (Edwige Fenech) and Marzio (Gabriel Lavia) meet again. From that moment begins a journey back in time, in a melancholy and more painful than happy past, full of failures. On the other hand, who isn’t a bit of a failure? Avati bends to his memory to tell a story that could belong to everyone.

It’s not one of his best films, feelings get lost in the alleys of Bologna, they don’t stay attached, they slip away. The nostalgia of a time gone by, of a childhood kiosk symbol of possible desires (everyone has his own) instead remains stuck.

Gabriele Lavia and Edwige Fenech. (Minerva Pictures)

The irrepressible joy of Edwige Fenech

The actress of sexy comedies of the seventies And Eighty returns to the cinema at 16 years from Hostels: Part II by Eli Roth. «Pupi Avati’s proposal it was a miracle , I didn’t expect it – says the actress – I was done with the big screen: they made me some proposals over the years, but there was nothing that spurred me to go back to acting. When Pupi called me I was dreaming, I had been waiting for a role in this stage of life for years. It was an irrepressible joy: when I hung up the call I started jumping around the house with my cat».

At his side is a master of the theater like Gabriel Lavia who returns to work with Avati after 40 years: it was the 1983 when the horror came out Zeder.

Lodo Guenzi and Camilla Ceraulo. (Photo Elen Rizzoni)

Also in The fourteenth Sunday of ordinary time There’s a shower for Hedwig, but…

«When I wrote this film, I immediately thought of Edwige – says Avati – when I proposed his name I aroused a bit of bewilderment, a bit like what happened when I thought of Katia Ricciarelli for the movie The second wedding night oa Renato Pozzetto for the dramatic She still talks to me. I like to provoke and mess up the cards. In this case I chose Edwige in a film where you don’t take a shower».

There is actually a shower, but we don’t see Sandra under the water. “A brilliant quote,” comments the actress. Also Massimo Lopez we see him for the first time in a dramatic role: «It was a deep desire to be able to participate in a film by Avati».

Also Lodo Guenzi of Lo stato sociale in the cast

He has put himself in the role of the young Marzio Lodo Guenzi of The Welfare State. It’s not the first time as an actor, on the contrary, but with a master like Pupi yes. «Marzio is a failure, but less failed than me that I had a little success, because I know that the distance between your dreams and what you can achieve is unbridgeable. Marzio, on the other hand, continues to believe that a song can change his life».

The new album de is also released in conjunction with the film The social status by title Stupid Sexy Future. The film’s soundtrack was written by Sergio Cammariere And Lucio Gregoretti.

