Figure skating: Germany at World Championships “far away from medal dreams” – figure skating – winter sports

The loss of the figurehead in German figure skating is largely the fault of the German association itself. From the German side it only “tentative offers” given without financial assurances for Savchenko. “A figure skater like Savchenko didn’t make millions” says Weiss. “But she has a job to do and needs financial assurance. That’s why she struck in the Netherlands. That’s really very sad.

Little chance of German World Cup medals

Savchenko’s many years of experience and expertise would have been of great importance for the German team at the upcoming World Championships – especially with a view to the future. For medal hopes in Montpellier, however, it looks bleak either way.

None of our athletes really have a chance to move forward at the World Championships“, says Weiss. And this despite the absence of strong Russian, Belarusian and Chinese athletes. Russia and Belarus were excluded in the course of the Ukraine war. Chinese athletes had to be in quarantine for three weeks after the Winter Olympics and were unable to prepare.

Starostin in focus

The hope now rests mainly on Nikita Starostin. The 19-year-old native of Russia finished 13th on his European Championship debut in Tallinn in January. Weiss hopes to be able to confirm this performance in Montpellier.

The same applies to the pair runners Minerva Hase/Nolan Seegert, who after the bitter disappointment in Beijing as a result of a quarantine-related slump in Seegert’s strength finally want to build on their past performances. “Maybe it’s enough for the top tensays Weiss. “ABut we are a long way from dreaming of a medal.

The bite is missing

But why is Germany currently lagging so behind in an international comparison? According to Weiss, there is a lack of motivation, especially in the youth field. “When I hear one or two interviews at the Olympic Games about the places our athletes are satisfied with, I am shocked. You can’t be satisfied with 17th or 16th place. I would wish for one or two critical words. The bite is missing.

In addition, work with young people is stagnating in Germany. “I couldn’t name a name that could be up there in ten years” says Weiss.

Risk more, manage less

In addition, the German association acts too cautiously, which is shown by the example of Savchenko. Although the money is no longer flowing like it used to be, also due to the recent mixed performance, the strategic orientation of figure skating in Germany is more like a “dead manage“.”Sometimes you have to take a risk with a frontwoman like Savchenko and give her the means to build something” demands Weiss.

We have great training opportunities in Oberstdorf, Mannheim, Dortmund and Berlin. In addition, an outstanding athlete who won a lot. Letting her go is absurd. Only together with Aljona can one also raise the offspring.” But this not only requires courage, but also creativity in the association. “There are many ideas how to earn money for the athletes. The view is too narrow.

Schedule of the figure skating world championships in Montpellier
