Fighting party asylum center Poelkapelle: prohibited weapons discovered

Fighting party asylum center Poelkapelle: prohibited weapons discovered

“It was a conflict between Afghan and Palestinian residents,” confirms Glenn Verdru of the Arro Ypres police zone.

“We were called up for a massive brawl,” said Verdru. “It was about a conflict that had been dormant for some time between Afghans and Palestinians. Earlier that morning, a patrol was already needed.” Between 40 and 100 people are said to be involved in the brawl, but no one was injured. Reports circulated that it would be a conflict with Ukrainians, but that turned out to be false.

brass knuckles

“The massive presence of our teams has prevented a further escalation,” said Verdru. “Five hotheads were arrested and taken for questioning. They had prohibited weapons such as brass knuckles in their pockets.” After calm returned to the asylum center, the police made an extensive tour of the buildings for additional weapons. The buses that arrive are also extensively checked.

It is not the first time that the police have had to intervene in a fight in the asylum center, but a scuffle with forty people involved is exceptional. The police will regularly patrol the area this night.
