Fifty-year-olds to the rescue: the Fiftiers take back the scene

Si take up the scene overshadowed by their younger and even children they held their first congress in Madrid last November 25th. They are the Fiftiers, a new movement in Spain whose central theme it’s generational diversity and that claims the charm of silver hair and whose slogan is “life begins at 50”.

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Fifty-year-olds in revenge

There are 17.9 million, doubling the number of 18 year olds and they outnumber those under 25 by 6 million. They are technological and athletic. They like the quality of life and children and relatives represent 61 percent of direct consumption decisions and 15 percent of indirect ones.

And for this reason, those belonging to generation X, those born between the end of the Sixties and 1980, they no longer want to be considered old.

The generation between the past and the future

A generation in between, who did mathematical operations by hand, but also used a calculator, the first generation to grow up between the old and the new world, that of the internet and social networkswith the company of friends at home and virtual friends on Facebook.

The post-crisis generation of young people, those who know, much more than their parents, what it means not to have a job, but for better or worse, they have found one. And perhaps for this reason they are much more adaptable and elasticboth compared to the previous generation and the following one who, rather than giving in to overwork, decides not to work unless under better conditions.

Generation X no longer wants to be considered old. (Getty Images)

The generational clash

And perhaps, for this reason, the generational clash with children is different: we could talk about a sweeter clash, less fierce. Except when it comes to technology, because GenZ kids are digital natives and, unfortunately, even if they have become familiar with technological means, there is no battle on the topic.

After the continuous slalom, the fifty-year-olds want the scene back

What has characterized the entire history of the current 50-year-olds it’s a continuous slalom between before and after, a continuous race to learn the next new thing that in the meantime replaced the old one, in a constant change of habits and rules which in the meantime, year after year, also transformed working and private life. Now, however, after the tiredness of this interminable change, i fifty-year-olds have become accustomed to changing their habits and with a renewed enthusiasm they intend to take back the scene. Or at least they will try.

