FIFA suspends rules for player agents

As of: January 1, 2024 7:19 p.m

The world football association FIFA has temporarily suspended its new rules for players’ agents worldwide due to a court decision in Germany. This applies until a final ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the FIFA Council Committee decided last Saturday (December 30, 2023). According to consistent media reports, this emerges from a letter to the member associations of the world association.

FIFA approved the new rules in 2022. Among other things, these limit the income of the player agents. In addition, it should be prevented that advisors represent both the receiving and the releasing club in the event of a transfer. The world association wants to use the rules to ensure more control and greater transparency on the transfer market. The regulations are at the heart of several legal disputes.

In May 2023, the Dortmund Regional Court issued an interim injunction prohibiting the application, implementation and enforcement of the regulations. The Mainz regional court had suspended another procedure and sent a so-called preliminary ruling request to the European Court of Justice.

“Duty, Undercertainties and to prevent inequalities”

The world association has “the duty to prevent insecurities and inequalities and to protect global competitive equality” said FIFA’s letter to explain why the regulations are now not only being suspended in the European Union. The associations are also called upon to also suspend corresponding national rules for the time being.

FIFA expressed its belief that the regulations were still necessary. The International Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) decided after a lawsuit from the Professional Football Agents Association (Profaa) ruled in favor of FIFA and its restrictions.
