Fierce criticism of the arrival of a bird of paradise neighborhood in Emmen: ‘This is below par’

Nor can it be guaranteed that the birds of paradise will not go shopping or travel to the center on their own. The Salvation Army may eventually settle in the house on the site, but that is not yet certain. An important advantage, according to Van Bruggen, is that the location is in any case in a low-stimulus environment due to its remote nature. What is important for the intended target group.

The audience reacted skeptically, critically and sometimes downright fiercely to the story. “A wonderful marketing pitch”, responded a resident. “But Westenesch is a protected village view with extensive yards and houses. We are becoming the shopping center of those junkies, who come here to shop.” No bicycle or lawnmower in the associated sheds is then safe, he predicted. As with De Ark, Westenesch is also experiencing more nuisance from burglaries and drug dealers, several people present in the room indicated. With the arrival of the district, an exacerbation of the problems is expected, some indicated.

Another local resident pleaded for surveillance and fencing of the bird-of-paradise neighbourhood. “With only one exit on the Schietbaanweg. We don’t want to encounter that scum at the Orange Canal.” Another scoffed at the argument that the environment would be low in stimuli. “The planned place is right next to the busy N381. With the sound of a siren from the emergency services every half hour.

Another pointed out that the municipality had bought the land away from other candidates. Some residents of Westenesch did have an interest in purchasing the location. The municipality then asked them to wait until the announced auction and then make an offer itself. Not neat, was the verdict from the audience.

Due to the entire state of affairs, a WOO request has already been announced from Dorpsbelangen Westenesch. “Because this deserves anything but the beauty prize.”

The municipality also pointed out that local residents can also object to the necessary permit and zoning plan amendment. Planning damage can also be reported to the municipality for anyone who is adversely affected by the bird of paradise neighbourhood.

Despite everything, the answers did not take away the unrest. According to a resident of the Langgrafweg, the immediate vicinity is gradually becoming Emmen’s drain. “This is below par.”
