Fields ready for Crazy Monday: ‘Full bowl party’ | 1Limburg

Velden is looking forward to a few days full of celebrations. After a weekend in the square, the Crazy Moon Day will start again on Monday.

“The association is completely ready. And now we hope that Velden is too,” says Harold Hafmans, chairman of Gekkemaondagen association De Wuilus.

Also read: Velden is catching up this month Crazy Monday

The festival is usually celebrated in Velden on the last Monday of January. However, due to corona, it was decided in December to shift the party to the back. “It is in May for the first time in history,” Hafmans says. “It’s super unique for us, normally we’ve had it all.”

Bjorn & Mieke, among others, will perform during the festival. One thing is clear according to Hafmans: “It will be a full party.”

When making preparations, the situation was different than usual. “We’ve already had May holidays. Are people willing to come for another one, two, three days?” The association also had to check with the catering industry present whether the party could take place in May. “If the innkeepers don’t participate, it ends,” explains the chairman. “No party without beer.”

That turns out to be the case. Normally, the party mainly takes place in the pubs themselves. But now they are shifting their work to the square outside and keeping the doors closed. That also has a disadvantage: “The square has to close at 00:00. You are tied to a permit”, the chairman knows.

There is also plenty of enthusiasm for the spring festival from the residents. “The parade is rock solid. We have over 40 songs.” In other years it is about 60 to 70 groups. “We are absolutely not dissatisfied.”

According to Hafmans, it is not unimportant that the procession passes through the village on Monday. “Tradition must remain upright. The youth have never seen a prince chariot up close.”

Crazy Monday
De Gekke Maondaag resembles the well-known carnival, but is originally not associated with the traditional carnival season. This is how it originated in Velden as a local anti-party for agricultural young people who were excluded from other festivities. Only married men and men older than 30 years were allowed to attend the guild parties of the Veldense St. Sebastianus guild.

Besides Velden, Grubbenvorst and Lottum also celebrate Gekke Maondaag every year.
