Fidan Ekiz is annoyed by ‘hetze’ against Katja Schuurman

Fidan Ekiz is annoyed by the ‘hat’ that is being conducted against Dutch celebrities such as Katja Schuurman. She was teased for two weeks by juice channels like Yvonne Coldeweijer’s. “I can not stand it.”


It is generally known that celebrities have the resilience of an A4 sheet. If there are media that don’t jump in line and refuse to write cheers about them, then they immediately stand on their back legs. In the top ten exaggerated BN’er reactions of this year is in any case that of Katja Schuurman.

lamb stove

Katja was sitting on a terrace last month, where she had a conversation with a man unknown to her. He asked her to take a picture with his son and stepson. She walked up to them, asked them, ‘Who wants a picture with me?’, and one of the guys posted that in his Instagram post.stories. Just for fun, no bad intentions.

The juice channels followed suit with tickling comments that she must once again be ‘little lamb’ or ‘hunting for young men’. Bland, but also here: not much going on. What seems? Katja went completely crazy at home. She recorded a minute-long video in which she expressed her anger. “How exaggerated, girl!” Yvonne Coldeweijer responded.

Fidan supports Katja

Katja’s video was so emotionally unstable that a presenter of De Telegraaf wondered whether she should not be protected against herself. According to NPO star Fidan Ekiz that is very ugly framing. She calls the teasing at Katja ‘a smear campaign’.

Fidan says he can no longer stand the negativity. “I just got back from vacation and I deactivated my twitter account during my vacation. I can’t seem to turn off the negative, the arguing and the name-calling. (…) We are now over the arguments,” she says on NPO Radio 1.

‘It annoys me to death!’

So she had Twitter off, but Instagram will be just as bad, Fidan fears. “An example, which in turn lives on Instagram, is that it was very much about Katja Schuurman. I thought: then it will reach you and it really annoys me.”

Katja is simply verbally stoned, according to Fidan. “It is then cut and framed and done. It’s not specifically about her, but there are smear campaigns against certain television personalities and in a very unfair… I think that’s it. I am very bad at injustice, hypocrisy and lies. I want to get out of that part of the world.”


Fidan is not just about the media and juice channels like Yvonne’s. “It goes much further, because you also notice that colleagues, simply by name and surname, scold each other and act. Or people you thought you could trust and suddenly use you for clickbait.”

But Dutch celebrities must be able to take criticism a bit, right? “That’s not necessarily what I mean, is it? Katja is of course not about me. It’s also just what you read about how people interact with each other. How they kill each other!”


Fidan angry about hurting celebrities:
