Fidan Ekiz falls off escalator, taken off bleeding on stretcher

Fidan Ekiz fell badly from the escalator at a train station in Belgium at the beginning of the year. She was taken away bleeding on a stretcher, says the Op1 presenter.


Why exactly is unclear, but Fidan Ekiz always likes to portray himself as someone who is incredibly clumsy and has all kinds of peculiar traits. It’s kind of the common thread in her column series for the Woman. This time she writes about the physical consequences of that clumsiness. “Break your toe twice in one year, that sort of thing.”

Bleeding Fidan

Or even worse: falling off the escalator. Fidan in her Woman column: “The year already started in a hospital in Antwerp. On the way to Bruges, during the transfer, I lost my balance on the escalator, tripped over my suitcase and fell.”

And then? “A bump the size of an orange on my shin. Blood! I went white with fright. Aid workers there. Moments later I was lying on a stretcher.”

Screaming sirens

Fidan was taken away to her ‘great surprise’ with ‘screaming sirens and flashing lights’. “’Oh my God, I’m having internal bleeding, dying and they won’t tell me,’ flashed through my hypochondriac head.”

Those sirens eventually turned out because the paramedics were in a hurry, due to a subsequent report. “At the hospital I was parked in a room with a few other people.”

Damage was okay

In the end, there wasn’t much going on with Fidan. “I even fled the hospital in Antwerp after an hour of waiting without having a photo taken of my leg.”
