Ficarra and Picone in the series Incastrati: plot and how many episodes

dfter conquering the box office and viewers with their films, Ficarra and Picone land on Canale 5 with Get stucktheir first TV series. Exit on Netflix last January 1, tonight at about 21.45 Channel 5 broadcast the first 3 episodes. The second appointment with the remaining 3, however, is set for tomorrow, Thursday 8 December.

Get stuckthe plot of the first episode

Salvo and Valentino live in Palermo and are the owners of a small appliance repair company. They are best friends as well as brothers-in-law, as Valentino is married to Salvo’s sister. Theirs is a visceral relationship, in which jokes and teasing are the order of the day. In short, they maintain the figure their audience has become accustomed to.

The series begins when they have to perform an operation at the home of one Alberto Gambino. The TV is out of order, and as they try to fix it, they hear water running. Valentino wanders around the house and finds a gun in front of the bathroom entrance. He grabs her and, as he opens the door, a shot is fired that mortally wounds Gambino. Or so it seems.

Desperate, Salvo comes to the rescue, who suggests that he thoroughly clean every room and every object, in order to eliminate any fingerprints. Meanwhile, a woman arrives on the victim’s answering machine and leaves a message. It’s about Ester (Anna Favella), Ficarra’s wife. Was she his lover?

In the series they play Salvo and Valentino, the owners of a company selling and repairing household appliances. (Netflix)

What happens in the second and third episode

It’s the beginning of a comedy of misunderstandingsin which the two protagonists have to find a way so as not to get caught up in clues which could lead to them. And Salvo must also accept his wife’s betrayal. In the second and third episode Gambino leaves the house, but Picone meets two children on the stairs. Things get complicated and they decide to travel to Castelmontea small village in the province of Trapani, where they meet the monks of the convent, so that they can build their own alibi.

In the evening they return to Palermo and go to the reunion of their classmates. Here they meet Sergione (Sergio Friscia), journalist on the hunt for news, frustrated because the local reality does not offer great twists. At dinner there is also Agata (Marianna Di Martino), Valentino’s first love, recently returned to the city after years spent traveling around Italy. Today is a brilliant deputy commissioner, at the forefront of the fight against the mafia.

And it is she who follows the Gambino murder investigation. Meanwhile Esther discovers that her husband has been in her lover’s apartment and suspects that he is the murderer. As if that weren’t enough, Ester and Valentino’s mother discovers that her daughter has a hematoma on her forehead and is certain that she was beaten by Salvo. The next day, Agata calls Valentino, but the conversation is interrupted when he is kidnapped together with the partner. Armed men take them to an abandoned farmhouse and ask for information about the murder. What will become of them?

Stuck 2when it comes out

The debut of Ficarra and Picone in a TV series was widely rewarded by the public. After taking first place on Netflix’s most watched titles, the platform has announced that there will be a second season. The processing of Stuck 2 it started in early 2022.

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The Palermo duo is confirmed not only in the role of protagonists, but also of directors and screenwriters, together with Fabrizio Testini, Leonardo Fasoli and Maddalena Ravagli. The latter have signed, among others, the series ZeroZeroZero And Gomorrah. As for the main cast, the aforementioned actors returnbeyond Tony Sperandeo in the role of Tonino Macaluso called “Cosa unnecessary” e Domenico Cenatmore in that of Don Lorenzo, known as “Primo sale”. They complete Maurice Marchetti (the goalkeeper Martorana) e Mary Cipolla (Mrs Antonietta).

