Fiber connection in more than 65,000 West Flemish homes by 2024: faster and more stable internet

Fiber connection in more than 65,000 West Flemish homes by 2024: faster and more stable internet

At a press conference on the Howest campus Kortrijk Weide, Proximus today presented its plans for the roll-out of its open fiber network in the south of West Flanders. Such a fiber network should provide a faster and more stable internet connection.

80 percent coverage

In addition to an update on the roll-out in Kortrijk, which started in 2019, CTO Geert Standaert also explained the planned roll-out in the cities of Harelbeke, Ypres, Izegem, Menen and Waregem and the municipality of Wevelgem.

Over the next two years, Proximus will provide more than 65,000 homes and businesses in these seven cities and municipalities with fiber connections. The ambition is to further expand the rollout afterwards and to achieve a coverage ratio of more than 80 percent in the cities and municipalities involved by 2028.
