Fiance Peter R. de Vries shares last photo that journalist shared with her | NOW

The fiancée of Peter R. de Vries, Tahmina Akefi, will share with her followers the very last photo that the journalist sent her on Wednesday. A year ago, the reporter was shot after shooting at RTL Boulevard had completed. Akefi now reveals that she received a selfie from him just hours before.

“On July 6, at exactly 4:02 PM, he sent me his very last photo. With his beautiful smile. And that’s how I remember him. That’s how I will always remember him,” Akefi wrote with the photo on Instagram. “No one can take that away from me. Just like the love he gave me. The love he himself described as ‘fathomless deep and endlessly high’.”

De Vries is remembered by various friends and colleagues on social media and his son Royce de Vries also shared a keepsake to his father, who died of his injuries nine days after the shooting. To an old photo of himself as a child and his father, he wrote: “We miss you, Dad.”

De Vries and Akefi were engaged and were looking for a house together. On the day he was shot, they were going to look at a house together. “Peter called me in the morning, happy and enthusiastic about the house we had in mind. He wanted to make a second appointment so that we could view the house together. We were supposed to meet at the apartment at 8.15 pm. But that was it. it didn’t. The day ended in a nightmare.”

The last photo De Vries sent to his fiancée. Photo: Instagram/Tahmina Akefi

The last photo De Vries sent to his fiancée.  Photo: Instagram/Tahmina Akefi

The last photo De Vries sent to his fiancée. Photo: Instagram/Tahmina Akefi
