Fewer victims of crime in Drenthe

Since 2012, the number of crimes has decreased by more than half in all municipalities in Drenthe. In Tynaarlo, that percentage is even 74 percent. The decline was least strong in Noordenveld at 59 percent.

View the decline per municipality on the map below.

What is striking is that the number of crimes has actually increased compared to three years ago. In all Drenthe municipalities, except Coevorden and Hoogeveen, the number of crimes was lower in 2017 or 2018 than in 2021.

Other crime

According to Statistics Netherlands, a change in the crimes committed can be recognized throughout the Netherlands. This is apparent from the 2021 Security Monitor. Less ‘traditional crime’ was experienced in all regions. Fewer people indicated that they had been victims of, for example, theft, burglary or vandalism.

However, more people became victims of digital crime such as purchase fraud. That is not delivering orders. There is also an increase in sales fraud, where someone is not paid for products delivered.
