Fewer trips to the office because of traffic jams? With these tips you ensure a good and pleasant home workplace | Living

How do you make a home workplace a beautiful place, where exactly do you start?
“It is important to tailor your home office to your personal preferences as much as possible. One person needs a pen tray and laptop, the other is a mess and needs a lot of storage space. And invest not only in beautiful furniture, but also in good quality furniture that is ergonomically sound. That costs a bit more – good office chairs are certainly expensive – but they can also last for years.”

“Brands that have traditionally made office furniture have years of in-house knowledge that is incorporated into new office chairs. Often they are beautiful too. And when choosing a good office chair, do not exclude the vintage ones. A vintage Eames went and will last for decades. In the past, brands such as Ahrend and Gispen also made very solid office furniture that is beautiful, made to sit on for a long time and affordable too. Some old, timeless designs are even being re-released, such as Ahrend’s Revolt.”

You then adjust the height of the desk to your office chair. You can opt for a custom-made desk or worktop to save space or to use empty space. Or you buy a table, put a nice top on it and combine it with vintage chests of drawers that you place next to it. If you have a separate office, a desk that stands alone in the room is wonderful. A desk that stands away from the wall or even in the middle of a room emphasizes the function of the room. It also creates storage and legroom and, for some also very important, space to pace. Above all, the motto is to opt for a working interplay between form and function.”
