Festival in Rosmalen is going to flout corona rules

The Shockerz festival in Rosmalen will not comply with the corona rules this weekend. The festival, which attracts about ten thousand visitors, is held in the Autotron event complex and testing is then mandatory. However, the organization has announced that they will not check, because there would be too much unrest among visitors and tests for access.

“We received hundreds of emails a day from visitors with questions. They asked where they could test, because it was full everywhere. Also people who had corona a week and a half ago and were afraid that they would still test positive,” says organizer Freddy West.

“There are also a lot of people who come from abroad. For example, they land on Saturday at 11 am and still have to test. In a few days all these measures will expire and this all causes so much stress. That is why we decided not to enforce. “

The organization knows that what they do is not allowed, but they consciously choose to do so. “If we are checked, we will consult. We will accept the possible consequences.”

Holiday weekend Wintelre
The Wintelre holiday weekend is also just affected by the corona measures. They just came up with something to stick to the measures. “We have partially open the tent, but heated it. Then visitors are allowed in without testing,” says organizer Mies van Loon.
