Fertility: can physical activity have an impact? – I Woman

TOphysical activity and fertility: is there a connection? It is now known as the movement represents a fundamental habit to preserve the health of the body in general. But this principle can also be valid when talking about reproductive health?

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Surely physical activity also provides various benefits to women who are trying to get pregnant. On the one hand, practicing sport helps to improve bone mineralisation, which contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis, on the other hand it represents a valid ally for mental healthas reduces stress and anxietyimproves the quality of sleep and also affects it in a positive way on self-esteem.

In recent years, however, several debates have arisen regarding thephysical activity and the negative influence it could have on your chances of conceiving. It is not sport in general that is under attack but rather the intensity of training. A’too intense physical activityin particular, can have consequences on fertility.

Fertility and intense physical activity

When the body is subjected to strong intensity on a continuous basis it can limit the hormonal capabilities of womenleading to the disappearance or alteration of menstruationthe so-called amenorrhea. When this situation is maintained for a long period of time, it can cause fertility problems because this hormonal imbalance leads to very low estrogen levels, common in high-level athletes.

“Amenorrhea is quite common in women of reproductive age who practice high-paced physical activitysince there is one imbalance between the calories supplied by the diet and the energy expended. Therefore, the hormones that regulate the functioning of the ovary are affected – explains Daniela Galliano, surgeon, specialized in Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine, Head of the PMA Center of IVI Rome. – If it occurs in a timely manner, it does not have to be a long-term problem. But amenorrhea maintained for a long period of time can cause infertility, and therefore problems getting pregnant naturally.”

Low weight and macronutrient deficiency

This type of ailment, in fact, affects predominantly women who practice a sport, both professionally and at a competitive or amateur levelwhere it is necessary to maintain a low body weightas dance, athletics and running.

«If high-intensity exercise is not accompanied by a good diet based on proteins, quality fats and carbohydrates, can cause hormonal disorders, as these are key ingredients for the regular maintenance of the hormonal cycle. The aforementioned low weight in combination with macronutrient deficiency and high intensity exercise contributes to a shortening of the luteal phase (the period of time between ovulation and menstruation), altered hormonal secretion and, consequently, one decrease in estrogen levels.”

How to intervene?

«It is important to underline that this situation can become reversible if it is not maintained for a long time – continues the expert. – Before we get to one potentially irreversible situationin agreement with your doctor, you must proceed by normalizing your body weight, reducing physical activity if excessive and carrying out analyzes and ultrasounds at different stages of the cycle to verify changes. A woman with adequate hormone levels and who has a regular cycle may be more likely to achieve pregnancy.”

Fertility and sport: stress matters too

We must also take into account the levels of stress to which one is subjected if one carries out sporting activity at a professional levelwhich can be very high and therefore negatively affect psychological attitude, hindering conception also from this point of view. This is why many athletes make the decision to “freeze” their fertility.

“There vitrification of oocytesin this sense, offers these women the possibility of preserve their gametes with age and the quality of the moment in which they are vitrified and which remain so for the necessary time, until the athletes complete their professional goals and / or decide that it is time to satisfy their maternal desire” – explains Dr. Daniela Galliano again.

It’s always good to ask for an opinion

What is therefore important is not so much, or only, the type of sport, but rather the how training is conducted and the extent of the training itself.

“It’s important talk to your doctor or undergo a gynecological examination, indicating the type of sporting activity chosen and the amount of commitment required to carry it out, in order to respect one’s body and accept one’s limits, without forcing. Doing sport is good both for your health in general and when trying to get pregnant. But not exceeding and not setting too demanding goals is a rule of common sense that is universally valid – explains the gynecologist. – Onemoderate but constant physical activity can only have, therefore, beneficial effects for the body. In men, for example, in addition to avoiding accumulation of fat and overweight, it improves the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system, regulating blood flow in all arteries, including those of the penis. This is the reason why, in less sedentary men, an increase in sperm motility is found».

Sport and male fertility

Even with regards to the link between sport and male fertility, there are some considerations that should be kept in mind. Some sports like horse riding, cycling, mountaineering, athletics, marathon, diving And some activities in the gym can impact the ball reproductive.

«These sports – explains Dr. Daniela Galliano – go to reduce blood flow to the genitals directly compressing the perineal area. Furthermore, often, those who practice them, to improve their performance, resorts to the use of anabolics, damaging hormonal balance and going to modify the production of testosterone. Furthermore, the quantity and quality of semen are affected. In the long run this condition can generate infertility».

It’s the excesses that create the problems

«It is important to clarify that, unless there is a contraindication, doing sport is always better than not doing it – specifies the specialist. – However, we must knowing how to adapt it to each case and personal circumstances. So, if you are trying to get pregnant, the best thing is not to obsess over the gym at any cost. If you are in good health, you train in a balanced way and you have a correct weightit will be sufficient to dedicate between 30 and 45 minutes to physical exercise four or five times a week.”

What are the most suitable sports for future parents?

Even during pregnancy, if there are no specific contraindications, moving and practicing physical activity brings important benefits, both for the future mother and for the fetus. Not to mention that movement is also important for avoid excessive increase in body weightwhich can lead to obstetric complications.

The Ministry of Health recommends for expectant mothers at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity every week (or 30 minutes for 5 days), starting gradually. But it is fundamental choose the type of physical activity and adjust the timing and intensity, as well as accompanying it with a balanced diet that covers each person’s needs. For non-athletes, swim or do some aerobic activityas walk or danceand a moderate gymnastics are very recommendable, both before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy. And in case of assisted reproductive treatment?

«Immediately after the embryo transfer, practicing pilates or yoga is not recommended, given that they are activities that can exert intra-abdominal pressure – concludes the expert. – In the hours immediately following the transfer, in general, it is also better avoid intense physical exertion such as jumping, running or lifting heavy loads.”

