FertiLiscen: constant research and innovation

Diego Julio Liscen is the director and researcher in charge of the project carried out by FertiLiscen. “I come from a working middle class family, from the Dock Sud neighborhood, with a culture of work and study. I am the first in the family to get a university degree with which I continued specializing and training to continue growing”, says Diego, Industrial Engineer, with a Postgraduate Degree in Bioeconomy, Diploma in Alternative Means of Conflict Resolution and currently studying the Diploma in Cultivation and Maintenance of Sports Turf.

It all started around 1995 when “I had lost my job, and finding myself at that time studying a Higher Technician in Energy with an Industrial Engineer Orientation, a career that gave me another point of view in saving energy and the environment, I started to investigate the nutrients and requirements of plants as well as their entire biology. I investigated to provide them with a food in a natural way, that would be assimilated directly and more quickly, that would not burn them, that would not degrade the land and, a very important point for the care of the environment, manage to use low energy consumption in the production. This was a very important challenge to achieve, where there are many factors that had to be fulfilled in order to achieve the desired product,” Diego recalls.

– How was the whole process to achieve those results you were looking for?

The investigation took a long time, collecting data, reading books, performing calculations and tests to reduce some error and correct to reach the points that we had proposed, a very difficult path. After many twists and turns, we will finally celebrate 13 years with this family business, made up of a team of young, professional and enterprising people.

– What kind of products do you specialize in?

We manufacture, distribute and sell High Performance Natural Liquid Biofertilizers. We offer multiple action products that are suitable for all types of plants, lawns, flowers and trees, and that have high efficiency in the short term after their application. Likewise, all the components and substances of the products are natural, therefore, we preserve the care of the environment. The main Strength is in our products that contain more than 21 Properties, and that are the only natural biofertilizers developed at the National University of Lomas de Zamora, Faculty of Engineering. They are products that can be applied by foliar route, as well as root, providing a faster incorporation of nutrients to the plants. We do not use chemicals, which makes it a 100% natural product, which allows application on the plant in foliar and root form, providing the particularity of increasing entry routes.

– Do you also offer technical service?

Yes, we provide technical advice so that good practices are carried out in the use of our products and care for the environment. We offer technical talks explaining the use of the different formulations of the products we have and take advantage of their benefits, in the recovery of all types of green spaces as well as in plants such as lawns, flowers, trees and obtain the best efficiency and efficacy of our products.

– What role does research play in the development of products?

At FertiLiscen we firmly believe that constant research and innovation is the only way to contribute in an original way to the environmental and social problems we face today. We are also convinced of the importance of cultivating strong and lasting relationships with our clients in order to achieve mutual growth. We build these relationships based on the virtues and benefits that our products offer, added to the honesty, transparency and sincerity of our work.

– What difference do you find as a company and in its products with respect to other companies in this area?

Our company arises from a final degree project (thesis) of the Faculty of Engineering at the National University of Lomas de Zamora. Research and development plus innovation was carried out, where we also went through the incubator of technology-based companies in the same Faculty. FertiLiscen is a 100% national company and does not derive from any foreign patents or royalties. From the raw material to the manufacturing, no aggressive or toxic substances are used. There are no chemicals. The process that is carried out is of low energy consumption, in this way, we contribute to the preservation of the environment, reducing to a minimum the emission of CO2 carbon dioxide. In a single product we summarize more than 21 properties, thus incorporating the largest amount of nutrients on the market. On the other hand, when applied pure on the plant, it does not burn. And if the amount or dose of it is increased, it still does not burn. All these results were tested and investigated for a long time and laboratory tests have been carried out in public and private entities that guarantee its composition.

– Are the products complicated to apply, do they require expert labor?

No not at all. It is extremely simple. We have different formulas according to the needs of the plants to be treated or the grass of the sports field that must be recovered or cared for. We have a home line, landscaping, parks and gardens, and a professional line for sports fields. First, a soft irrigation must be carried out before applying the product to prepare the plant and that the stomata are available to receive the biofertilizer. Fertiliscen is then applied. This is done once a week, and 6 to 8 hours later, normal watering can be done if necessary. With this simple procedure, greater quality, vigor and color are provided to plants of all kinds.

– What was the first Argentine club that used FertiLiscen products and what results did they achieve on the playing fields?

The first club that we carried out some tests was on the Dock Sud pitch, noticing results in a part of the playing field different from the rest where it had not been applied. But the first club to start using it was Vélez Sarsfield in its stadium. The manager of the field, who was an eminence, Lelo Ramón García, used it in 2009 in the last match with Huracán in which Vélez was champion, that was the beginning of an affectionate relationship with Lelo and the Club, giving him advice to the best use of our products, achieving a better quality lawn.

– And currently, which clubs are using them?

It is used in the Ezeiza property of the AFA, in Club A. Temperley, Club A. Banfield, Club A. Boca Juniors; Club A. Armenio de Escobar, at the Doble55inco Sports Complex, Aero Golf Coronel Suarez and CABA Association of Municipal Doctors, Argentine Association of Referees, among others.

– How is the company committed to caring for the environment?

Irresponsible and highly polluting human activity has put the environment and life in danger. The use of fertilizers and other synthetic chemicals is part of this problem. But it is not insoluble, on the contrary, we are convinced that responsible and innovative business activity can contribute to sustainable growth over time, which improves the quality of human life. In this context, at FertiLiscen we respond in an ecologically sustainable way to the demands of our clients and, likewise, we generate awareness, commitment and comprehensive respect for the environment through our products, services and dissemination activities. We are a company committed to protecting the environment. For this reason, throughout the production and marketing process we make all possible decisions that contribute to sustainable development. For example, we make our products based on natural raw materials, which are transformed through natural processes that save energy and do not emit polluting waste. In this way, we differ considerably from other products available on the market. Also, from the beginning, we reuse plastic containers and promote returnable drums to reduce the consequences caused in nature by the use and production of plastic. In fact, for each container reused, we save the energy equivalent to the consumption of a 60 Watt incandescent lamp running for one hour. Thus, FertiLiscen has saved 1,744,560 Kw, equivalent to 29,076,000 60 Watt incandescent lamps. This prevented the emission of more than 1,133,964 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, equivalent to 11,334 100-liter water tanks. Another action that we have carried out is to print our brochures and labels on sheets of paper made from sugar cane fibers and recycled paper. This avoids the use of gaseous chlorine in the bleaching of the leaves, which is polluting. We carry out dissemination activities at fairs, events and workshops, as we believe that the preservation of the environment is everyone’s responsibility. We try to make those interested aware of habits that they can acquire in environmental protection, in practices and use of more sustainable products.

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