Ferry Doedens stuns with big chin: ‘Do they contain implants?’

Ferry Doedens causes a slight stir with his large chin. Story boss Guido den Aantrekker wonders whether the fallen soap actor has been on the implants.

© Show news

Shownieuws not only has the regular late evening edition this summer, but also a ‘summer edition’ in the early evening. After all, there is plenty of important entertainment news to discuss. For example, yesterday in the summer edition it was about the big chin of Ferry Doedens, the ex-soapie who is tired of aiming in the sink and wants normal work again.

big chin

Ferry now plays a role in some musical and he gave a short interview to Shownieuws about it yesterday. Story boss Guido den Aantrekker was watching with increasing amazement. “Frits, I think you are a Ferry Doedens connoisseur, aren’t you? Has he always had such a big chin or not?”

Colleague Frits Huffnagel, apparently a fan of Ferry’s sink films, said: “Well, I think it is accentuated a bit now that he has that goatee.”


Guido thinks there’s more to it. He speculates about chin implants. “Yes, no, but you hear it more often that people have chin implants. That suddenly struck me. I think it’s quite big.”

Ferry has not yet responded to the fuss, although many people have missed that fuss. The summer edition of Shownieuws managed to captivate only 129 thousand viewers (3 percent market share) on SBS 6 yesterday. Even at HLF8, they do not get out of bed for that.

Smartest on one

The NPO 2 hit De Slimste Mens was also the big winner on prime time yesterday with 1.6 million viewers (33 percent) on NPO 2, followed by women’s football: England – Sweden attracted 1 million viewers (24 percent) to NPO 1. .

Furthermore, RTL 4’s B&B Vol Liefde (922 thousand and 19 percent), NPO 2’s Nieuwsuur (668 thousand and 16 percent) and SBS 6’s Urk (464 thousand and 10 percent) were the most popular.

Viewing figures

Other programs that did not make the top 15 include Op1 (515 thousand), Hart van Nederland (463 thousand), 112 Today (421 thousand) and Shownieuws (398 thousand).

The viewing figures of Tuesday, July 26, 2022 (SKO):

Top 15

Market shares (18-24h, 6+)

01. News 20:00 (NPO1) 1.738.00001. NPO1 / 27.1%
02. The Smartest Human (NPO2) 1,616,00002. RTL4 / 19.5%
03. A House Full (NPO1) 1,085,00003. NPO2 / 12.7%
04. News 18:00 (NPO1) 1,067,00004. SBS6 / 7.6%
05. Football European Championship ENG SWE ladies HF (NPO1) 1.021.00005. RTL5 / 3.9%
06. Half past seven news (RTL4) 996.00006. RTL7 / 3.3%
07. B&B Full of Love (RTL4) 922.00007. Vero / 3.3%
08. EenVandaag (NPO1) 899,00008. NPO3 / 3.0%
09. Football European Championship NB (NPO1) 835.00009.NET5/2.8%
10. Sports news (NPO1) 827,00010. RTL8 / 2.5%
11. RTL Boulevard (RTL4) 825,00011. Ziggo / 1.6%
12. I Know All About It (RTL4) 811,00012. BBC / 1.1%
13. Renze (RTL4) 689.00013. Comedy / 0.9%
14. Football EC VB (NPO1) 674.00014. SBS9 / 0.9%
15. News Hour (NPO2) 668,00015. Discov / 0.8%

Market shares per channel group (18-24h, 6+)

More viewing figures at:

01. Public Broadcasting 42.8%
02. RTL Netherlands 30.2%
03. Talpa TV 14.6%
