‘Ferry Doedens harmful to commercial channels such as RTL 4’

Ferry Doedens has been criticized for an ordinary photo in his briefs and that is why RTL Boulevard was right back on his doorstep yesterday. But does all this have to be on RTL 4?


Apparently, the editors of RTL Boulevard are big fans of the fallen soap star Ferry Doedens, because for every shit or fart he leaves, a camera crew comes out. Yesterday, Aran Bade showed up on his doorstep to ask him about the criticism he’s received for the tacky close-up of his black briefs.

Pure nature

Aran asks Ferry whether he has put a sock in his briefs. “No. It’s pure nature.” he replies. He doesn’t understand the commotion. “I only have to open my Instagram and I only see photos of people in bikinis, men where you really like the business.”

After that, Ferry also receives a white slip with the Boulevard logo as a gift. He then also posed with it; the show section showed two spicy photos to its viewers yesterday. What does Boulevard actually want to radiate with this? Normalizing that young people can just take their clothes off for some attention at the first setback?

Evert critical

That Ferry appears on RTL 4 in a Boulevard interview is up to that point, but he can write a good role on that commercial TV channel in the future, thinks Private boss Evert Santegoeds. He says in the podcast Strictly Private: “Yes I think so. I still think that OnlyFriends (meaning OnlyFans, ed.) is not a recommendation for everyone.”

He continues: “Certainly with commercial channels where there are also advertisements before, during and after such a program, you have to watch your step as a channel. Yes, I understand that he does it and that he likes it, that too, but you don’t build a future perspective with it, I think.


As a digital jerk, Ferry has in fact simply given up his acting career, thinks Evert. “I think it’s short-term thinking to be very successful at that and he has to keep doing it and we’ll see where the ship strands, but Shakespeare is no longer in it, I think.”

Evert gets a little tired of Ferry. “He himself was surprised that there was some excitement about that photo with that prak so pontifically in the picture. Yes, ‘that’s how he lay on the beach’. Then you wouldn’t shoot with your arm all the way out and then from the right angle to show what you’ve got? And keep it in house, I would say.”

“Keep it there!”

Colleague Jordi Versteegden agrees. “That and keep it to OnlyFans, because that’s what a lot of parents worry about. From: yes, my children see this too.”

He thinks it’s a shame to see how badly Ferry has slipped. “I still remember that Ferry from Good Times Bad Times a few years ago and now with this kind of content all at once.”
