Ferry de Regt returns to VVV-Venlo | 1Limburg

VVV-Venlo has appointed Ferry de Regt as team manager of the main force.

With this, De Regt returns to the club where he was active as a player in the past.

Former player
Between 2006 and 2012, he played in a total of 115 games for the Venlo club. He then continued his football career with Helmond Sport, Fortuna Sittard, Top Oss and the German SV Straelen.

Know how it works
General director Marco Bogers is convinced that with De Regt the club has found the right person to guide the first team: “With the arrival of Ferry, we are adding someone to the staff who knows how it works, not just on the field. but also in the locker room.”

Promotion together with Willem Janssen
The 35-year-old De Regt meets an old acquaintance at VVV-Venlo. In the 2006-2007 season, he was promoted to the Eredivisie together with the new technical manager Willem Janssen.
