Ferrari, presented the new organizational structure

A new organization to face the challenges imposed by a rapidly evolving automotive scenario: these are the reasons for a corporate reorganization that aims to optimize processes and enhance internal talents. The ceo Vigna: “Pushing the boundaries further”

Ferrari inaugurates 2022 by presenting a new organizational structure, a structure that, according to a note from the company, will be “consistent with its strategic objectives of enhancing the exclusivity of the brand, enriching the excellence of the product, remaining faithful to its DNA. sport and focus on carbon neutrality by 2030 “. “The new organizational structure – continues the note – will further stimulate innovation, optimize processes and increase collaboration, both internally and with partners, expanding the leadership team through the promotion of internal talents and the strategic inclusion of certain skills”.

“We want to push the boundaries further in all areas, using technology in a unique and Ferrari way – declared Benedetto Vigna, CEO of Ferrari -. The new organization will improve our agility, essential to seize the opportunities faced by us in this rapidly changing scenario “. Product development and research and development, the digital transformation sector, technologies and infrastructures, purchasing and quality, manufacturing, internal audit and compliance will report directly to the ceo Vigna.



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