Ferrari, for Leclerc and Sainz “positive feelings” in Spain

The Monegasque after the first day at Montmelo: “We tried everything we had planned”. The Spaniard: “I don’t think it will take long to get used to the new cars”

“The first sensations are positive but we certainly don’t have to give too much weight to today’s standings because we are at the beginning and no one is revealing their real state of form”. Thus Charles Leclerc reads the first day of Formula 1 testing of the new Ferrari in Montmelo in Spain, which ended with the second time of 1’20 “165 after 80 laps on the track.” It is impossible to have a clear photograph at this moment but – adds the Monegasque – we must stay focused and continue to carry out our work. We have completed many laps, more than anyone else, and this is the most positive aspect of this day. Can’t wait to get back in the cockpit tomorrow. On the track we tried everything we had planned and completed the program without problems, which is good considering that it was the debut of a completely new car. ”


For the other Ferrari driver Carlos Sainz, third fastest with 1’20 “416 and 67 laps,” today was the first time I was able to get in the car for a complete program unlike previous occasions, when we basically had some shakedowns. We finally got to push a bit and started learning something about these cars. The classification leaves the time it finds at the moment but it was very positive to be able to accumulate a good number of laps and start getting serious behind the wheel. We still have a lot of work to do but already today it was possible to perceive some differences compared to last year and I don’t think it will take a long time to get used to these new cars. For sure – concludes Sainz – the most difficult thing will be to find the last tenths but that is precisely the most intriguing challenge. However, this is not the goal of the Barcelona test as there will be another session before the opening race. It was a good first day and I’m looking forward to tomorrow. “
