Ferr-Tech from Meppel named the most innovative SME company in the Netherlands

Ferr-Tech from Meppel can call itself the most innovative SME company in the Netherlands for a year. The company finished at the top of the Chamber of Commerce Innovation Top 100.

Ferr-Tech has been making a name for itself for several years now with a groundbreaking invention to purify water in a sustainable way. The product already existed, but the Meppel company came up with a solution that makes the purification agent sustainable, allowing it to be used on a larger scale.

Ferr-Tech causes all the dirt to clump together into one flake, which you can fish out of the water, leaving clean water. The product must contribute to less water being wasted. The company has already won several international awards for its water purification innovation.

Behind Ferr-Tech, Wageningen’s NoPalm Ingredients finished in second place. That company makes palm oil without using palm trees. Sirius from Eindhoven came third with an innovative magnetic localization method for breast cancer.

In addition to Ferr-Tech, ByPoint is the second Drenthe company in the Chamber of Commerce Innovation Top 100. The people of Assen finished in place 88. ByPoint developed the first bicycle fall detection system in the world that can sound the alarm in the event of a fall or accident without the use of a mobile phone. That product came onto the market last year.
