Ferocious farmer’s son explodes on TV against minister: ‘God damn*mme!’

Nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal received a fierce blow from the angry farmer’s son Sam in the TV program College Tour yesterday. “You’re ruining it goddamn for all the peasants!”


The angry farmer’s son Sam, who later wants to take over his father’s cow business, was quite excited in the College Tour audience yesterday. He immediately seized the opportunity when he was given the opportunity to ask the main guest Christianne van der Wal, the Minister for Nature and Nitrogen, a question.

“God damn*mm!”

Sam is quite fierce: “My question is: Van der Wal, you screwed up the entire agricultural sector like that. When are you going to get off? You are ruining it goddammit for all farmers and you are helping an entire sector out of the Netherlands. Yes, I’m a little angry about that.”

Christianne calmly: “Yeah, I can see that from you, and I think that’s an understatement, isn’t it?”

‘invented problem’

Sam denounces Christianne’s policy. “Yes, it doesn’t really bother them much at our house, but fellow colleagues and peers of mine who are in problem areas also want to take over the company later on. They are now in such uncertainty and that is actually all because of you.”

According to Sam, the nitrogen problem is a ‘made-up’ problem by the government. Christianne disagrees. “What do you think if I quit? What would happen then? Then there will be a new minister for Nature and Nitrogen. What would she do then?”

‘Agree to disagree’

Christianne in general is a little annoyed by the way we disagree with each other in this country. “Despite all those worries, we’re not that bad. How is it possible that we all have such a short fuse in this country and react so violently to each other?”

She thinks people should all dim a little bit. “If we all just sit back and say, ‘We agree to disagree’, I think it would be much more pleasant.”

Not normal

Christianne’s harsh approach in the College Tour broadcast causes amazement. For example, journalist Ton F. van Dijk says: “I wouldn’t dare speak to a minister in this way (cursing on television) just yet. Emotions are understandable, but I don’t think this is normal.”

GeenStijl star journalist Bart Nijman: “That boy means it and she acts it. This isn’t about words. This is about someone who fills a pair of career shoes versus someone who sees his way of life threatened as a result. Team Goddamn*mme here.”

Ton: “Of course he means it, but there is a lower limit in how you address each other.”


An excerpt from the angry farm boy:
