Ferocious basketball coach impresses with Texas massacre speech: ‘Enough is enough!’ † Texas shooting

NBA coach Steve Kerr declined to talk about basketball during a news conference last night because of the massacre at a Texas elementary school in which 19 children were shot. Instead, the Golden State Warriors coach delivered an emotional speech, advocating in a trembling voice for tougher gun laws. The controversial clip has already been viewed millions of times on social media.

“All basketball questions don’t matter,” Kerr started the press conference, visibly emotional, before the final against the Texas team Dallas Mavericks. “Since we finished training, 400 miles from here children and a teacher have been murdered. A few days ago, black seniors were murdered in a Buffalo supermarket and Asian churchgoers in California. When are we going to do something?” the basketball phenomenon grumbled, beating his hands on his table and barely holding back his tears. “I’m tired of always having to offer my condolences to families torn apart. I’m tired of those minutes of silence. It has been enough!”

Kerr, 56, who has been the head coach of the Golden State Warriors since 2014, has said he has repeatedly supported a bill that would require stricter background checks for those seeking a firearm. The bill was passed by the US House of Representatives last year, but ultimately failed to pass the Senate. Kerr says there’s a reason the senators won’t vote for it. ,,To keep their power,’ the trainer sighed.

Urgent call

As Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden pledged to enact tougher gun laws to reduce the country’s tens of thousands of annual deaths from firearms. Biden and his party members, however, do not have enough votes for that in Congress. According to Biden, this is partly due to the gun lobby, which is especially influential in rural, sparsely populated states. Those states, where gun ownership is rife, have disproportionate representation in the U.S. Senate, where a 60-out of 100-vote majority is needed to pass most legislation.

American coach Kerr, whose father was shot dead in the 1980s, has had enough by now and, looking straight into the camera lens, made an urgent appeal to the senators. “I ask you, Senators who refuse to do anything about the violence, the school shootings and the supermarket shootings. I ask you: does your own desire for power take precedence over the lives of our children and our elders and our churchgoers? Because that’s what it looks like. That’s what we do every week.”


Fighting back tears, Kerr made an appeal to all journalists and viewers of the press conference. “Everyone who listens, think of your own child or grandchild, or mother, your father, sister or brother. How would you feel if this happened to you today? We cannot become numb to this. We can’t sit here and read about it and think, let’s have a moment of silence.”

Before leaving the press conference, Kerr slammed his fists on the table and delivered one last message. “There are 50 senators who refuse, even though that proposal has been on the table for years. 90 percent of Americans support this. But the senators don’t want to lose their power. It just doesn’t make sense. I’m done with it!”

gun law

The gun law debate has flared up completely after the Texas massacre. Biden called on his compatriots to stand up to the gun lobby and urge them to pressure parliament to pass “sensible gun laws.”

On Tuesday, an 18-year-old gunman opened fire at an elementary school in the town of Uvalde, about 80 miles west of San Antonio, before being killed by police officers. The children at the school range in age from seven to ten years old.

“Their parents will never see their child again, never let them jump into bed and cuddle with them,” Biden said. “As a nation, we need to ask ourselves: When the hell are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?” And: “We must act,” to which he proposed a ban on assault weapons and other “sensible gun laws.”
