Fernando Alonso to Red Bull? Ex-pilot thinks change is “great”

Fernando Alonso is still not thinking about retiring from Formula 1 – on the contrary. The old master is convincing this season in the service of Aston Martin. In recent weeks there have been rumors about a possible move to Red Bull. Former racing driver Hans-Joachim Stuck would like to see the Spaniard alongside Max Verstappen.

“I think it would be great if Alonso was put in the Red Bull,” said Stuck in an interview with “Eurosport”: “And the rumors are there. He denies them completely, but maybe that also has a background.”

Alonso also has a contract with Aston Martin for the upcoming Formula 1 season. The 42-year-old recently reacted angrily to the numerous speculations surrounding him.

In any case, the door at Red Bull currently seems to be closed. Although Sergio Perez has often revealed weaknesses this year, the Mexican still enjoys the trust of his team.

Stuck: Alonso would stand up to Verstappen more

Stuck can still get used to the idea of ​​seeing Alonso alongside dominator Max Verstappen, at least in theory.

“The way Alonso drives, the way he fights, is largely flawless and also brings the team forward, I would say that he would be very, very close to Verstappen,” said the 72-year-old, assessing a hypothetical duel between the two champions.

“Closer than Pérez in any case, that’s no question for me. There are a handful of people who I trust to drive at Verstappen’s level – and Alonso is one hundred percent of them,” added Stuck.

According to his own statement, the former Formula 1 driver thinks Alonso is “simply great”. “We know each other really well. He has the motivation, he enjoys what he does. Added to that is his maturity, being able to use his skills perfectly at the right moment. That’s really impressive,” said Stuck.
