Feng Shui and better sleep, 8 tips for the bedroom

Lliterally means “wind and water“: The feng shui is the ancient oriental discipline that aims to achieve harmony in the home environment through the balance between the two principles of the Whole, the Yin and the Yang. Well-being and inner peace can come from the arrangement of furniture, lights and plants. More than aesthetics, therefore, L’interior designer must consider the energetic forces which can be blocked by walls or furniture placed in a specific point.

Feng Shui in the bedroom: 8 tips for sleeping well

«Helping to align and harmonize all the energies of the house», explains the expert Inbaal Honigman, «Feng Shui makes those who live there calmer: it helps him to work more efficiently, improves his mood and allows him to rest more peacefully».

For example? Here are the 8 tips for the bedroom according to Feng Shui and Interior Therapy specialists Susanne Roynon, Denise O’DwyerInbaal Honigman e Janine Lowe interviewed by Mattress Online.

1. Size and arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui

People who struggle to sleep well may have created an “imbalance” in their bedroom through their choice of furniture, Roynon explains. It is important to keep furniture such as bedside tables and lamps of a matching size to promote balance and harmony. Mismatched objects can produce a sense of asymmetry and instabilitywhich can seep into everyday life and family relationships.

The best colors for the bedroom.  To relax and feel welcome

2. Make space for oxygen to flow

Heat and snoring from bedmates are regularly blamed for poor quality sleep. One solution is increase the flow of fresh air and vital oxygen circulating in the room. A fan will only move warm air—open doors and windows elsewhere in the house to encourage the air to move freely, says Suzanne Roynon.

Inbaal Honigman also recommends “removing any obstructions” to create a good flow of energy.

3. Place your bed facing the door but at an angle

For the best quality sleep, Suzanne Roynon recommends positioning the bed facing the door but moved to one side or the other. In other words, creating a diagonal between the door and the bed. By equipping the bed with a sturdy headboard against the wall, the arrangement will give a sense of security and prevent feelings of vulnerability.

The bed directly in front of the door? Better not, in the morning you might wake up more tired than when you lay down.

Another tip is to orient the head to the north. Objective, the so-called sleep of the dead: the name sounds bad but simply refers to a rapid and prolonged falling asleep. Tilting the head of the bed to the east is also said to enhance the romance of the relationship.

However, Inbaal Honigman suggests that it is equally important that the feet do not point directly out the door: the position resembles that of the “coffin” and does not help.

4. Keep your space clean

Feng Shui promotes the regular circulation of “Chi” (ie the positive energy that improves life). AND the dust is a palpable sign of an energy that instead stagnates. So it’s good to note where the dust settles: it’s an indicator of blocked energy affecting the occupants.

Suzanne Roynon makes it clear that clutter works against good health and well-being and is a magnet for dust accumulation. So, no clothes placed here and there, no useless objects but clean surfaces help to significantly improve the quality of sleep.

5. Choose soothing colors

For the bedroom walls, it is better to choose earth tones, pastel nuances or the more delicate shades of blue and green. Colors that can create a calming effect and encourage relaxation, explains Denise O’Dwyer. The use of bright and loud colors can be overly stimulating and disturb sleep.

Dim ambient lighting also helps create a calm, welcoming atmosphere. Attention should also be paid to the points of excessive shadow: according to Feng Shui even shadows can slow down the flow of energy.

6. Only harmonious paintings and serene photos

The paintings on the walls, the furnishings and the photos can have an unconscious impact and trigger negative thoughts and nightmares. Better choose calming and supportive decorationsas the bedroom should be synonymous with rest, romance and relaxation, explains Suzanne Roynon.

According to Denise O’Dwyer, choosing decorations that evoke serenity, balance and harmony is the key to creating a restful environment. No images of water and excessive or bold decorations: they can create an imbalance.

7. Beams and false ceilings don’t help

Avoid sleeping under heavy beams or countertops: Having heavy objects overhead can feel like more pressure, making it harder to relax, says Denise O’Dwyer.

8. Feng Shui rules: no mirrors in the bedroom

Feng Shui experts suggest removing all mirrors from the room. At most, they can be accepted if incorporated inside the cabinets. According to Janine Lowe, if the reflection returns an image of the bed or whoever is occupying it, it can generate restlessness and disturbed sleep.

