FENERBAHÇE TRANSFER NEWS: Willian Arao in Fenerbahçe – Breaking Fenerbahce news

The yellow-dark blue players, who want to train their new season transfers to the Dynamo Kyiv match, agreed with Willian Arao and Flamengo.

Yellow-dark blue team will meet Dynamo Kyiv in the Champions League qualifying. Jorge Jesus wants to train the new signings for the Dynamo Kyiv match.

>Another transfer from F.Bahçe!” class=”lazyload” src=”” data-src=”https://iaftm.tmgrup.com.tr/cf5066/408/231/7/0/1280/720?u=https://iaspr.tmgrup.com.tr/2022/07/12/1657649780158.jpeg”/></picture></p><p>
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