Fenerbahçe comment from Edin Dzeko! Every player… – Last minute Fenerbahçe news

Edin Dzeko, Fenerbahçe’s star player from Bosnia and Herzegovina, said that they are fighting for the yellow-dark blue community.

Making a statement to FB TV, the 37-year-old football player said, “We want to give our hundred percent in every match. After all, we are the warriors of the Fenerbahçe crest. We can only achieve our goal if we are united. We need the support of our fans. We need to be united in difficult moments. It is very important that they are on our side.” said.

Emphasizing that they have had a good season so far, Dzeko said about the individual performance, “This depends on the performance of the team. It is normal that individual performances increase when the team is good. When the team wins, the players who score goals are usually talked about, but there are many players of the same importance in our team. They have different duties.” . Fans may not be able to see these things from time to time, but we see them on the field. Every player in our team is very important. We haven’t achieved anything yet, but we are doing well. We have many more matches ahead of us to fight and where we need to be better. After the international break is over, we will enter a new month and maybe “It will be the most important month among the months we have played so far because we will have important matches, including the Super Cup.” he said.

Dzeko underlined that there is a very good atmosphere in the team and said:

When the team wins, it’s normal for people to try to create negative things from the outside. I think we’re bigger than that. We are all here for the same goal. We mutually respect each other. As I mentioned, people may try to bring some negative situations inside, but if we are a big team, we must know how to overcome this and push it out. The season has just started, we have a long way to go. We need to be united. We need to be prepared for such things. This is a very big and traditional club. We have great players. Yes, we have missing players in the squad, but we have a lot of quality players who can replace them and help the team when they are not there. We have enough solutions within the team. It’s a long road, but we’re looking at it match by match, step by step. We are currently continuing on our positive path.

Describing the Super League as “a good league in general”, Dzeko said, “I can say this to our fans; there is a positive atmosphere in the team right now. Everyone in the team believes. I see both in the matches we play at home and in the matches we play abroad that our fans also believe in us. They hope they continue this way.” “I want it. Our team is ready. We work very well every day. We work very hard not only in the matches, but from the beginning to the end of the week.” made his assessment.
