Fencing, Foconi triumphs in the World Cup. Women: third place for Volpi and Sinigalia

The blue foil always gives triumphs to Italy: in the Grand Prix of Busan (South Korea) Alessio Foconi wins and in the women’s tournament there is the double podium of Alice Volpi and Martina Sinigalia, who finish in third place. The count of podiums conquered this season by coach Stefano Cerioni’s team rises to 26 in 18 races played by men and women.

Here comes Foconi

For Alessio Foconi it is the return to success after almost a year: the last time was on April 22, 2022 in Plovdiv (Bul) and today it is worth a lot. In the final Foconi beat the Olympic champion Cheung 15-13. And the hashtag of his heart, # dajepapà, today, precisely on the day of “Father’s Day”, will be even more special in the sign of an indelible memory that is a guide to victory. Three other Azzurri also finished in the “top 16” in the men’s competition. Tommaso Marini ninth, stopped by the French Pauty, 13th Davide Filippi, KO 15-12 with the Olympic bronze medalist Choupenitch and 16th Edoardo Luperi who came out in the derby against Foconi. Daniele Garozzo finished 17th, beaten by the American Chamley-Watson.


Alice Volpi is again in the top three after the successes in Belgrade and Paris, and Martina Sinigalia is also on the podium. Volpi was defeated in the semifinals 15-12 by the American Lee Kiefer, who later won the match. Great day for Martina Sinigalia, who after passing the preliminary qualifying draws on Friday beat the German Sauer 15-14 to enter the top 4. Then came the defeat (15-10) against the Japanese Azuma in the semifinals. Seventh place for Martina Batini, stopped in the quarterfinals by Kiefer, twelfth Erica Cipressa.
