Femke Bol has best world year performance | Sport

Coach Laurent Meuwly was satisfied with Bol’s performance. “In only her second competition she is already at the level of her European indoor title. We trained hard between her first game in Metz and Torun because there were no games. Goal today was to open much faster. Halfway through she was now almost half a second faster and for that she had to pay a bit of the toll on the last hundred meters. But in 400m indoor competitions, you have to try different tactics. If you start slowly you will have to overtake a lot of opponents in the tight corners anyway. Now Femke came through under 24 seconds and was right behind Lieke, so she had to overtake her in the corner and covered many extra meters. I am convinced that both will learn from this race, Lieke also ran in Birmingham last weekend, where the track has more height difference, something that suits her better. For her, this is a good training in the run-up to the World Indoor Championships. Both now have to recover well because the Dutch indoor championships are next weekend and they will make it another great game on Sunday.”

Zoë Sedney performs consistently

Zoë Sedney also stayed close to her personal best of 7.98 from 2021 in Torun with a fourth place in 8.01 in the 60 meter hurdles. This season she has been very consistent with four consecutive races in 8.00, 8.00, 8.02 and 8.01. This time Menno Vloon jumped no higher than 5.71 meters with the pole. Mike Foppen was not involved in the 3000 meters. He finished eleventh in a time of 7.55.16, well above the World Indoor Championships limit of 7.50.00. Joris van Gool narrowly reached the final, but this time was unable to break the 60 meters. The Dutch record holder (6.58 in 2021) was sixth in 6.64.

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