Feminine imperfect present, by Enric Jové

09/19/2023 at 06:30


In the country of the World Champion soccer team, the grotesque rules as a general rule day after day. Any nonsense can be overcome the next day. What a few weeks we have had. Let’s leave Mr. Rubiales aside. He now has a lawyer, perhaps his first and only correct decision in the entire process. His interview in English will remain for the canons of enlightened football catechism.

He wants to explain himself and he does so in a language that is abusive. Those who remained, the heirs, thought that this was resolved as autocratically as everything had happened until now. With a dead king, a king in place, the famous friend assumes the interim presidency, makes four gestures, two changes and everyone remains the same. Two matches (for the men’s team) are won by a landslide against two third-world football teams and the page is turned. Well it seems that no, that is not enough. One thing is one thing and the other has nothing to do with the first.

The problem was not just the grotesque Vilda, the one with the hasty applause after hearing that they were going to renew her with a salary of 500,000 euros, announced with great fanfare in a place that was not very specific to do so. He was left without a job, without renewal and without half a million annually. Now that there was no World Cup to miss on the horizon, but simply some qualifying matches, no one has dropped their pants (a garment that is as feminine as it is masculine).. Some had some principles, now they have others. It’s the price of being world champion when you know you can win. It’s not bad that they get them back now, even if it’s when it’s easier to have them (some, not all, missed out on winning a World Cup for following their values ​​and ethical principles).

Do not doubt it, the problem is more serious and deeper, it is structural; but also communicative. With one press of a statement nothing is solved or solved, this is done by talking, interlocuting, but above all by being explicit in what is requested and why. It should not be difficult to begin to surface what is requested publicly and explicitly. Because be clear, only by bringing the main problem to the public is what would have solved it.. We still don’t know, although we sense, what it is about. First, the press conference was postponed because the coach did not have a list to do.

Days later, yesterday, a list was announced that seemed like a provocation to the opposing party; they were summoned without any dialogue and, as it seemed, without changing anything. Perhaps the coach will not make her debut after the call-up show. Negotiations and time will tell. The Federation’s position is a strong and daring bet, intransigent, suicidal we could say. Plus, with the clock counting down (tick, tock, tick, tock…) before Friday’s game. The players continue playing the counterattack with a new statement. It’s the only thing where they lose part of their reason; Why have it, I’m sure they have it all.

Dialogue is the only form of communication between human beings, monologues (even if they are written) are pure posturing. Without speaking people cannot be understood. Women’s sport is a commitment to the future that must speak in the present perfect.
