Fem van Empel is also the best in Tabor and wins third World Cup in a row | Cycling

Without the injured Lucinda Brand, it turned out to be a Dutch get-together as usual, with one difference: Blanka Kata Vas from Hungary was present. Puck Pieterse, who, like Vas, skipped the first two World Cup races in Waterloo and Fayetteville, also made her appearance. It created a situation in which six Dutch ladies competed for the victory together with a Hungarian.

All eyes were on Van Empel, who was able to win the World Cup for the third time in a row. Van Empel drove defensively and did not show the back of her tongue, but did place the all-decisive attack. In the final round, Sausage first tried to make a hole, but she was taken back. After that it was Pieterse who tried to use her specialism on the beams, but she didn’t make it either. Then Van Empel’s attempt was hit.

Van Empel now takes the lead in the World Cup with a score of 120 points.
