“Feijóo’s mask has fallen off”

04/11/2022 at 22:31


The Deputy Secretary General of the PSOE, Adriana Lastraassured this Monday that the president of the PP, Alberto Nunez Feijoo“the mask has fallen off” by “opening the doors of the Government of Castilla y León” to the extreme right that Vox represents and that represents “the greatest destabilizing element of democracy”.

Speaking to journalists in the corridors of the Cortes where the investiture debate of Alfonso Fernández Mañueco as president was held this Monday and that it has gone ahead thanks to the votes of Vox, Adriana Lastra has assured that this Monday It has become clear with whom Feijóo has agreed and what he has agreed.

“It was his first decision, to open the doors of the Government of Castilla y León to the extreme right, the first time that has happened since the arrival of democracy,” Lastra declared.

The Deputy Secretary General of the PSOE has criticized the speech of the leader of Vox in Castilla y León, Juan García-Gallardosince, as he has said, he has made it clear that he does not believe in the Spanish Constitution and wants to “mutilate” its Title VIII.

It does not respect the 40 years of consensus and democracy in the country that our grandparents agreed tonor do they respect the rules of the democratic game”, said Lastra.

On gender violence and Vox’s desire to repeal itAdriana Lastra has assured that this norm saves lives every day thanks, among other measures, to the protection orders and has sent a message to all the women victims of this social scourge to tell them that they will continue to count on the protection of the Government, the security forces and judicial authorities.

“We believe them and we are with them,” said Lastra.

Besides, has referred to the “internal” and “external” enemies of Spain that the leader of Vox in Castilla y León has mentioned, without specifying, and has asked himself what he would like to know what they are because, regarding the inmates, for the PSOE they are inequality and social injustice.

And, regarding the “external”, for the PSOE the only one that exists is the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, who has tried to destabilize Spain, first with misinformation and then with the invasion of Ukraine “which attacks the EU”.

and has indicated that Putin is the one who has financed the far-right parties in Europe to destabilize it, including the National Grouping of Marine Le Pen.

“In Spain we need that cordon sanitaire that was set up yesterday in France,” Lastra declared.
