Feijóo will open the new opposition cycle with internal changes to “totally mark” the Government


11/17/2023 at 06:57


The PP assumes defeat, but has an “almost permanent upheaval” and insists that the PSOE “will not be able to count on them if the independentists fail them.”

Genoa waits to meet the ministers to finish off the parliamentary spokespersons and “mark” each member of the Executive

The re-election of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Government he definitively opens a new cycle of opposition with Alberto Núñez Feijóo in front. In their party, which accepts defeat, they insist that “there has never been such an armed opposition.” with 171 votes against the Executive that will be known in a few days. The socialist achieved the absolute majority by adding all the pro-independence and nationalist parties and, however, in the hard core of the conservative they anticipate the most unstable legislature that has ever been experienced.

With this new period of opposition, Feijóo will have to announce a new internal organizational chart. Decisions are still being made and the last ones will depend, precisely, on the constitution of the new Government. The spokespersons forl Congress and Senate They would be the first to make themselves known, they explain in Genoa, because it is urgent to put the groups of both Chambers into operation. But depending on the names that occupy each ministerial portfolio, the popular leader must also think about who will be the spokespersons for each parliamentary commission to “a total marking on all ministers” and comply with the “hard opposition” guidelines.

In the party they give priority to the parliamentary scheme over that of the steering committee, where there will also be important changes. What already seems clear is that Cuca Gamarra She would continue as secretary general and leave the parliamentary spokesperson. Many leaders agree that the spokesperson in Congress will finally come from the leadership itself and point to names very close to Feijóo such as Miguel Tellado, Esteban González Pons or Carmen Fúnez as more viable options.

The Organization area will also have to be readjusted to distribute Tellado’s functions, those of general coordination of Elias Bendodo (he will have a new role) and what he did Pedro Rollan with regional and local coordination until he was elected president of the Senate. It remains to be seen what happens with the party spokesperson, since Borja Semper was appointed for the electoral period.

In any case, and despite the expected “profound changes” of names, in the party they agree that there will be “no revolution.” First, they say, because Feijóo is not that kind of leader. And, second, several positions coincide, because the PP “won the elections” and “he has no reason to turn around to the match as if it were a sock”. For this reason, everyone distances the idea of ​​an ideological convention or a congress of another type: “We are missing four votes. This is not an amendment to anything”, they say.

turbulent legislature

The election night of July 23 was bittersweet in Genoa. An insufficient victory. But this Thursday’s day in the Congress of Deputies was not at all sweet for the PP. The tone of Junts and ERC during his interventions in the plenary session, and the demand for “the progress that is produced” on issues such as the self-determination referendum to continue giving their support, or the role that future verifiers of the agreements will play, they say in the PP, they guarantee a climate of “almost permanent” convulsion;. Meanwhile, the popular ones are already advancing that the decision has been made: there will be a “tough and forceful opposition” like the one that Feijóo has marked in this debate.

Added to that the reaction of the street, who has not stopped demonstrating or protesting against the agreements of Sánchez and the independentists for days. This Saturday there is a new call in Madrid, organized by different civil entities, which is expected to be massive. Feijóo will attend.

The starting point of the PP, unlike Vox, is that “The Government is legitimate but immoral”. Under that premise, conservatives aspire to continue “channeling” social discontent that arises throughout the legislature. “The Government has lost the street and knows it,” they say in Feijóo’s entourage. The leader of the PP has had to reconvert and lead a social movement, beyond the institutions, that he did not count on. And Vox, cornered as a reference for the protests in Ferraz, where violent attitudes and pre-constitutional symbols have been seen, has given a space to the PP that it did not expect either.

“The PSOE, don’t look for us”

As this newspaper published, the path of the “hard opposition” implies no understanding with the PSOE. That there will be no possible agreement on issues such as regional financing or the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (with the mandate having expired almost five years ago and for which Moncloa is already looking for more alternatives) is quite clear. But in Feijóo’s hard core they support that idea even more: “Sánchez has chosen Sumar, Bildu and Puigdemont. There is no possible State pact with him. AND If your partners fail you, don’t look for us. He can’t look for us anymore. “You have chosen,” summary.
