Feijóo wants to press Sánchez’s mood to decide his strategy

The new general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, assured this Monday that his chief of ranks, Alberto Núñez feijoo, will go to Moncloa with the best disposition to close agreements with the Government of Pedro Sánchez, because the popular consider that the Spanish want both parties to seek “the meeting and the agreement”. The message launched by the party’s number two was for the central government and also for voxwhich is already inciting against any understanding between Feijóo and Sánchez.

In a press conference at the Genoa headquarters, Gamarra assured that his party is aware of the “gravity” of the moment, but added that the PP leader needs to check face to face on Thursday what is the “attitude” of the Prime Minister and whether he really has “understanding will” or not. Pablo Casado denounced on numerous occasions that Sánchez, despite his calls, did not want to reach any agreement with the PP, because he believes that he harms the PSOE.

Feijóo arrives at the appointment after two speeches at the extraordinary congress in Seville in which he highlighted his covenant will. The still president of the Xunta will have the opportunity to specify it in a few days, since the Government must validate in the Congress of the Deputies the royal decree with the package of measures to mitigate the economic and social impact of the war.

The tax cut

The conservative leader has denounced that Sánchez has not included a strong tax reduction in that plan, something that he considers a breach of what he left signed with the regional presidents at the La Palma Conference. However, despite the criticism, according to sources in Feijóo’s team, this issue is not a red line and does not prevent support. The President of the Government considers that lowering taxes further would undermine the income of the Welfare State and, consequently, the economic potential of the initiatives to protect those most affected by the crisis.

The leader of the PP wants to take the pulse of the Prime Minister and find out if he can rebuild the communication bridges between the two institutions, which were badly damaged in the Casado stage. On the table, in addition to the economic plan for the war, there will be at least two more folders: the increase in budget from Defense to gradually reach 2% of GDP and the renewal of General Council of the Judiciary, which has been expired for more than three years.

Another message to Ayuso

Gamarra, in his appearance, also sent several messages in an internal code, since this Monday morning Feijóo convened his first management committee, with her; the general coordinator (Elias bendodo), the five deputy secretaries and the person in charge of the rights and guarantees committee.

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Number two warned that the president has asked them to work “200%” and prepare the party as soon as possible for the upcoming elections. The Andalusians, who must summon Juanma Brown (PP), are expected to June or October. Then the municipal and regional ones will arrive, in May 2023, and the general ones, on an unspecified date.

Asked about when Feijóo is going to put on the PP congress in Madrid and thus make Isabel Díaz Ayuso happy, he replied that “very, very quickly.” She said that it is what is needed in Madrid and in other autonomies that are also pending. However, she took advantage of the question to send a message to Ayuso, and there have been several these days. “We have something very clear and I take this opportunity to pass it on to you. organic life for us will not be the news. That is going to be the internal work of an organization such as the PP. We are going to focus on giving the answers and solutions to the problems that the Spanish have and for which they await us. That is going to be the priority”, he warned. The date of that congress was the origin of the clash between Ayuso and Casado. The former leader delayed the conclave to prevent it from gathering more power and, according to her, spied on her to find dirty laundry and discredit her.
